Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

lol, I mean, it’s time for you to prepare for me and serve me a delicious sandwich of baguette, medium-rare steak, mayo, lettuce, and tomato.

Olmstead literally designed my little neighborhood in the Bronx. That didn’t keep them from putting a truck route and highway through it though. On the upside I’m withing walking distance of a golf course I guess.

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MN freaks. When we moved there and the younger kids talked about playing that game, their older brothers put a stop to it.

If I was in a war and an unknown person came up to me and said they were from MN I would say Duck Duck and if they said Goose I’d shoot them on the spot. Clearly a spy.


Can’t find a map despite being professional googler but I’m pretty sure its just a 50 mile radius of the twin cities so you’d be killing a lot of rural minnesotans. nbz mode, not really a bad thing

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I know, I need to charge my phone


Just so I know what level you are on…are you under the impression that “vehicle deaths per mile traveled” is referring to the actual number of cars being totalled?

Cause ummm, yea no. That’s not how this works.


Yeah I meant fewer deaths per vehicle mile traveled obviously, or whatever similar measure you want to use. But clearly he doesn’t want to actually engage on the subject if that’s what he pounces on.

Which part is offensive?

Mocking “grey duck” and Minnesota?

Shooting spies in war? (I was referencing some WWII movie where they asked a trick Joe DiMaggio question that tripped up a German plant).


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did dr modern’s account get hacked


Y’all are taking Dr. Modern way too seriously.

Musk appears to be struggling to grasp Twitter’s business, the people close to him say, and he demands a stance from his employees that stifles discussion of problems. “He doesn’t see from the zoom-out view at all,” one of the people close to Musk and his team said, describing him as “uncovering and solving and programming all night.”

He has been holed up in a 10th-floor conference area with a staging room for visitors — where they often remain for more than an hour before being called in. They are instructed not to speak until Musk does. And when they do finally meet with him, he’s sometimes watching YouTube videos.
Many staffers have quickly learned they can’t rely on the erratic and unpredictable Musk, even as he makes assurances about the various facets of the company they have raised as concerns.

The driving team behind Project Eraser — which carries out functions such as deleting the user data of those who ask, part of compliance with federal requirements — has been gutted. Musk has brought in a new roster of leaders, many who are loyalists.
When one executive met with Musk and voiced concerns about the Federal Trade Commission’s consent decree, Musk assured that person there was nothing to worry about. He said Tesla had plenty of experience on privacy matters, and pointed to his deep knowledge and awareness of the constraints Twitter was under.

Minutes after the meeting concluded, a subordinate of Musk emailed: Would the executive be willing to send over a copy of the consent decree they had just discussed?

Naw, he’s always a bit off. Some days are better than others.

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This seems an order of magnitude off of his baseline imo which is generally quite good

If those posts were serious I agree something appears amiss

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I wouldn’t make too much of a one day increase to a production shutdown, but if Tesla ever stops pre-selling every single car their produce and instead has an inventory available on demand, things will turn extremely gloomy on a dime.

Their logistics and inventory management is epically bad (owing to the fact that they pre-sell everything and thus don’t need to manage handling a never ending spigot of unsold cars, like every other big OEM does). Their stock price and valuation is entirely based on the premise that there is an ocean of demand for their products they’ll never be able to keep up with. As soon as this become untrue, expect to see pictures of tens of thousands of Teslas start to circulate. And there aren’t many places in the US that can hold that many cars…

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Is David Shor the Elon of polling or is Elon the David Shor of tech

There could be spiders searching by url?

I just think how websites have crawlers but this would be slightly different as they would just have to be trying urls to find stuff.