Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company



Slightly NSFW


What an optimistic outcome is depends pretty heavily on your POV. I want Twitter destroyed and Musk to go broke, so I’m pretty happy with the way things are going now. Collateral damage to Tesla is also fine.


I mean was people putting their YouTube channel in their bio really a value loss to Twitter? These rules seem so dumb. If you’re worried about people jumping ship to Mastodon then make Twitter better

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So funny to me that Alphabet finally shut down Google plus just a little while ago. Everyone with a computer already had an account!



Saw something something illegal in Europe. Fine something like 20% of value or revenue ???

Yeah it seems any “editorial” decisions such as the removal of user-approved links to other media might qualify Twitter as a publisher rather than a vehicle for others to publish, or something. Unsure how this differs from other editorial decisions like the removal of offensive content etc, but I’m not a media lawyer. Several itk euro media bods are making noises about this though.

Edit to add, being a publisher brings lots of additional responsibilities, many of which Twitter would not enjoy being held to.

I don’t think anything he’s doing is this reasoned. It’s all his personal feelings.

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I got some bad news, I’m afraid.

Neither of these things is going to happen. Unfortunately.

It was an addition of value. The Twitter platform has historically been one of the easiest of all time to integrate media from all of your various platforms. That slowly began to change before Musk, but he is accelerating the removal of the very mechanisms that made Twitter an invaluable media hub.

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Lotta pedos at Alphabet and Meta, or will be when the natural reaction of pulling all ads from twitter is realized :man_shrugging:

The one thing Twitter is best at and most useful for is that it’s an easy way to make small anouncements that quickly gets to the users. A good chunk of those announcements involve directing users elsewhere and promoting content on other platforms. Eliminating that basically eliminates the usefullness of twitter for many users.

Musk is dumb

Sweet. Tiktok is safe! So is Snapchat and onlyfans and LINKEDN!

Gd it risky

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Tiktok has a profile slot for people to post their linktree which allows everyone to advertise all their other sites. This is what Twitter should be doing, not the opposite.

People try to use the best service for whatever they are trying to accomplish when using multiple social medias.

Twitter should just stick to being the hardcore porn outlet.


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The guy has gone full Malmuth


Musk’s random button clicking is creating a huge opportunity for google/youtube. Youtube already has a community page for channels which I think could crush twitter if it just wasn’t so hidden. They just have to move that page to be more accesible and it could be a twitter clone.