Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Still would prefer the long thread format to 4000-word tweets. Twitter forces writers to communicate succinctly, even within long threads. Tweets that are huge walls of text will be the beginning of the end IMO.


Sure this tweet seems insane but once Elon explains his reasoning it’s far scarier




Somehow this really needs to be the clear constant message against all these “freeze peach absolutists” - that all of us with functioning brain cells know the Elon-stans will stifle any and all speech they don’t like, the instant they have the power to do so.

We need a catchy short sentence that conveys the same message as the paragraph above, preferably with some kind of rhyme, and just repeat it over and over and over. It’s the only way.

Yeah but he paid $44 Billy to do it when he could have just started ElonWars for free and grifted just as much

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We’d be getting close to a “who said it?” between Musk and Marjorie Taylor Green but Musk’s vocabulary is a dead giveaway.

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Idea: charge $.00088 for each character over 280. Discount if you use #Heil_Elon.


Man we really are fucked huh.

It’s one thing when deplorables like my derpy rural in laws get radicalized by Rush and Hannity. They are just simple people who aren’t super well equipped to parry away sophisticated disinformation and are prone to hate those they are being told are getting a leg up on them.

But to see a guy like Musk, who may be a lot of things but is certainly intellectually capable gets eaten by these new mutated brain worm variants (that I’m sure Fauci cooked up in his lab), it kind of throws me for a loop.



Twitter put a lot of energy behind designing the algorithm to control conservative speech, while failing to prioritize the removal and reporting of child sexual exploitation material. There is a vast difference between mean words, outrageous ideas or misinformation, and an adult raping a child, documenting the crime, and sharing it to the world.

LOL she is obviously full-blown QAnon while trying to keep a serious_cat poker face, but “control conservative speech” is the invented grievance catnip and dead giveaway. It’s an Oreo cookie tell. Also, “Tesla should do this b/c Elon is a technology genius” is on the same level as “Trump should be president because he’s a great businessman,” neither being thoughts that people who can bathe themselves and eat solid foods should ever have. Like try to imagine being that big of a shit-for-brains Muskateer and incapable of understanding he isn’t going to help with or do anything that isn’t a direct benefit to him and only him. You can’t do it.



My friend who died recently was like that. Smart guy and vehemently anti-Trump but he became an ivermectin believer, vaccine safety skeptic, massive lab leak believer, the works. He was an Elon fan, Sam Harris fan, Bret Weinstein listener. You get the picture.

I think people like that have a firm belief that they are better off working the truth of something out themselves rather than relying on the wisdom of others and (unlike your standard “do your own research” types) they are often correct about that and have a lot of examples from their own life to back this up. This is true both of my friend and of Elon. Often this is good for them and it’s an essential part of the entrepreneurial mindset. If you are constantly full of doubt and subscribing to conventional wisdom you will never get anywhere as an entrepreneur. The problem arises when they are operating in an unfamiliar domain and the internet is there to provide mountains of “information” a lot of which is complete bullshit but has the appearance of being reputable (for example, the reams of completely fraudulent ivermectin papers in the scientific literature).


Guy can’t even right wing without sounding like an annoying pussy. Guy’s needs to have some coaching sessions from Greenwald


“Free speech for me, none for thee!”

Looks like that account either got banned or run off by the musk cult members.

It has been insane watching him go so deep into the stupidity. He is obviously not a moron so it’s clear intelligence is no armour. Scary.

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As someone joked, what you post when your set bombs in San Francisco

Good reply though