Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Some new ads on twitter.

(“Promoted” tag doesn’t show up here, but this is a current ad on my Twitter feed.)


But his voice seems to hypnotize people and he says everything with very clear authority, like he’s trying to explain to 4th-graders.

If you already have a losing case, it might be worth a hail mary to see if JP can hypnotize the jury box.

And speaking to conservative politicians and sold out theaters, as he is doing right now in Australia. Quite shocking how many people I know went to see him. Real weird people.

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Never has treated a patient ever, complete fraud. Add Monica Ghandi (UCSF) and Vinay Prasad (UCSF) to the list of attention whoring bay area doctors.

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Did they go as true believers? I could see someone ambivalent about him choosing to go just because it’s got a high probability of volatile entertainment.


Yeah, Kanye will be back as honored guest soon enough.

“landmark moment in the annuals of speech” lol

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That’s the weird part. The ones I know of going cut across a wide array of groups he would deny rights to (women, lgbtqia, migrant backgrounds) but all are upper income earners. I’ve never discussed him with any of them so I’m genuinely surprised they went. Very doubtful they went for entertainment, I’d guess tickets were quite expensive!

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There is zero point engaging with these nincompoops

Here’s the start of the thread

Taibbi has an amazing ability to have a 30 tweet thread that says absolutely nothing, just screen shoting various discussions. He just doesn’t have the juice that Weiss has to insinuate in service of furthering a narrative. He just plays it straight for some reason. Which is odd because he can turn a phrase. Maybe he’s just not used to having to do it as a mercenary for hire.

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Yeah, like in 2000 when he wrote, “Look at the headlights on that 15 year old, and that rusty KAMAZ ain’t half bad either”.

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This is vile

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The replies are all doing backflips of course. No talk of substance, just OMG!!! type stuff.

Get your twitter blue now!

Lol I’m getting promoted tweets from NEOM

This next bombshell will surely be the big one!