Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Lol at you talking down to MysteryConman.

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That‘s like saying China pays for the tariffs.

That’s a good point except we don’t distribute the money from the tariffs directly to the poor. (but that is a good idea!)

Again a VAT is not how I would “fund” UBI (It actually won’t come close to paying for it anyways) but I like the idea of taking the money and giving it to people. People that pay less than $1000 a month in VAT items comes out ahead.

This really tilts me but I think more so because they have a kid. They are terrible people.

Latest Models S and X will just guess which direction you want to drive, what could go wrong?

Each prototype is about the height of the Shuttle. With another near-complete prototype behind, plus a near-complete booster that’s even bigger.


I mean, won’t all cars inevitably fail?

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This doesn’t make much sense to me.

I think Musk could end most homelessness in the US by himself and no one could stop him.

Musk launches rockets at least partly because the federal government pays him to do it. The federal government could house homeless people and it would be the same cast of characters who could veto it either way. (Congress and POTUS)

Is it that we just need a billionaire who wants to house people instead of spew a gillion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere?

(also we can’t colonize the stars)


I think you’re mistaken about this. In New York, there are perhaps 80,000 homeless people. In 2019, NYC permitted approximately 25k multifamily housing units. It’s not really plausible that one dude can more than triple the housing production in a city. Plus there are a bunch of other cities to worry about. Plus if it’s just a money problem, didn’t Bernie just help pass a $1.9T COVID relief bill? You’re telling me he couldn’t shift a Musk worth of funding to homelessness? How come the problem isn’t solved?

What I took the point of the tweet I posted to be was that there’s a distinction between problems where the tricky part is come up with a solution to the problem and ones where the tricky part is to convince some large group of people to embrace a particular solution. Colonizing Mars is obviously extremely hard to do, but if you can figure out how, no one will really stop you. Solving homelessness is technically easy–you just build some apartment buildings and let poor people live there for free. Solving housing affordability is easy too–just build more apartment buildings and let middle-income people pay you to live there. The problem is that even if you have some land and $100 million to spend, you can’t necessarily build an apartment building in places where there’s a lot of homelessness and housing demand.

More generally still, problems in the first category are frequently more amenable to “breakthrough” advances spearheaded by a single person or a small group. There’s the recurrent twitter meme of people mocking startups in the format of “X. You invented X.” when a company proposes to replicate some existing product in some complicated way. Sometimes the product is just a dumb idea, but not infrequently the play is to increase the technical complexity of the product in a way that escapes the burden of needing to ask for permission before improving it. It can sometimes be a good trade.


People still think Musk is actually going to colonize the stars?

Grunching. Is someone in this thread arguing that we should shoot homeless people to mars on rockets? Lol?

I think this is all right generally. It’s just the details that were wrong in the tweet. It’s not 50000 people to veto housing. It’s a handful of politicians, but that’s enough.

I didn’t say “solve” homelessness because it’s not completely solvable and shouldn’t be completely solved.

The federal government owns a lot of land (even in cities) and can do pretty much whatever it wants on that land. It could build apartments or dorms/shelters. It doesn’t because a few hundred people don’t want to.

Musk could maybe just be a private, what’s that guy’s name…whatever, just give homeless people $1000/mo. Ok, he couldn’t keep that up for long. He might just have to live with getting 10% of people off the streets.

If the no-growth people relented and let 3.5 million more apartments go up, homeless people would not get them. Right Bobman?