Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company


I was thinking more like the Black Mirror episode “Mushroom.”


Mushroom — “Playtest,” Season 3, Episode 2

The “Mushroom” is a neural implant that works like augmented reality. It alters the user’s perception, adding things to their experience of the world. In the demonstration in the episode, Wyatt Russell’s character first plays a game of Whack-a-Mole with cartoon moles only he can see, thanks to the mushroom implant. Later in the episode, though, the device simulates his entire reality, “Matrix”-style, causing him to think he is walking through a mansion and even stabbed.

The mushroom is not only able to create a simulated reality for its users, it also apparently scans their minds for information. The idea of the horror video game the mushroom is used for is that it plumbs the user’s mind to find out what they fear, and then uses those fears to make the game scarier.


This is art.

Been a busy and shitty work week for me, so I’m just now catching up on this thread.

Amazing work to everyone involved. I needed the laughs.

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So, its Geraldo? Now 1.5 hours late. A paragon of efficiency!

Taibbi’s on tweet #12 in the thread and still has posted jack shit.

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Taibbi emailed this to people who have read his Substack (which includes me, although I am not a subscriber):

Dear TK Readers:

Very shortly, I’m going to begin posting a long thread of information on Twitter, at my account, @mtaibbi. This material is likely to get a lot of attention. I will absolutely understand if subscribers are angry that it is not appearing here on Substack first. I’d be angry, too.

The last 96 hours have been among the most chaotic of my life, involving multiple trips back and forth across the country, with a debate in Canada in between. There’s a long story I hope to be able to tell soon, but can’t, not quite yet anyway. What I can say is that in exchange for the opportunity to cover a unique and explosive story, I had to agree to certain conditions.

Those of you who’ve been here for years know how seriously I take my obligation to this site’s subscribers. On this one occasion, I’m going to have to simply ask you to trust me. As it happens, there may be a few more big surprises coming, and those will be here on Substack. And there will be room here to to discuss this, too, in time. In any case, thanks for your support and your patience, and please hold me to a promise to make all this up to you, and then some.

I presume to be allowed to report the material, it was a condition that it be released on Twitter, which is the reason for this annoying tweet thread rather than just writing an article.

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Except twitter won’t show me the thread. It’s just showing a few numbers here and there as if it were a thread.

You have to read along and then when the thread is interrupted, click in his last numbered Tweet and it continues.


It’s really weird, when I go to the first post I only see the first 3 parts of the thread with no hint that there’s anything else to read. Threadreader’s got it covered though

So far I’m on board with how Twitter handled the story. I assume we’re going to get to the drama bombs at about tweet 160.

And while I’m there

how about get fucked Twitter



so If I’m reading this right, we are 30 posts in now, and the only information provided so far is “Twitter lawyers were super nervous this shit was hacked and requested that the files be tagged as such until they were able to find out for sure. A congressman tried to talk to the lawyers about free speech and the bill of rights, and the lawyers said ‘lolyeahno’ we are a private company and can’t infringe on people’s rights?’”

I got that about right?


Now it’s getting to the good (dumb) stuff

hurr durr first amendment derp

Have no idea how NYT v Sullivan is relevant.


I’m gonna wait till somebody can explain the laptop thing in <280 characters before looking at this crap.

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