Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Laverne Difazzio drinks milk and Pepsi.


Apparently parler was the one that backed out of deal with Ye and not vice versa. After they saw him with Alex Jones they bailed.

This forum: Caffeine-free soda? That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever seen, who drinks that?

Also this forum: Yes, I put milk in my hot Dr. Pepper.


There’s a BIG difference between the dynamic of a crowd and the dynamic of a 1-1 interview. Obviously I hope that I am wrong, but I honestly think that if you get any critical mass of deplorables in a room they will see someone else nod along to the Nazi stuff and then one person starts to clap and then it’s over. They’re all itching to kick off a 4th Reich where they get to violently oppress their targets. The entirety of human history tells us that is the next step when decent people don’t come down hard on ethnofascists.


They are squirming because he’s saying the quiet part out loud. Not because they think he’s wrong.

Moxie and Milk is a thing among older folks in the Northeast. I don’t like it, but it’s kind of like a Root Beer Float kind of idea.

(Moxie is a regional soda, kind of like bitter root beer / black licorice).

I listened to this interview between Yoel Roth who was head of Twitter’s Trust and Safety group. Nothing eye opening but some folks here may be interested
‎On with Kara Swisher: Why Twitter’s Former Safety Chief Left Elon Musk on Apple Podcasts

Can you taste the difference though?

Right, but more significantly I think the squirming goes away in a crowd. People are more likely to let their mask slip if other people around them have their backs. In a crowd of like-minded people they will not be nearly as hesitant to be vocal about their craziness.

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This is Twitter in a nutshell.

The interface makes logging on feel like facing millions of POVs at once. It’s like taking a social media opiate and cutting it with Fentanyl. Incredibly stimulating and incredibly addictive.

I think what you described is also why we so quickly see violence emerge from conservative circles empowered by social media.

For a conservative Strict Father, if what you’re doing feels good but doesn’t empower the conservative hierarchy, it’s not really helping you. And if what you’re doing feels bad but IS empowering the conservative hierarchy, you can go all in.


Musk had to suspend Ye for business reasons. But they can’t say that (because freeze peach). So they have to pretend he was suspended for some very clear violation of the rules (incitement to violence, what?).

Unstuck Politics and news aggregation is sort of like poker players and werewolf. I don’t like playing werewolf or mafia or Among Us with regular people. But I love playing games of psychological warfare with poker players.


Elon Musk’s Twitter is offering brands generous incentives to advertise on the social media platform, in a bid to boost business after the billionaire’s approach to content moderation prompted many major marketers to curb spending.

In one email sent to advertising agencies, a copy of which was seen by the Financial Times, Twitter said that it was launching its “largest advertiser incentive ever” in December, offering additional impressions if brands spent a certain amount.

According to the email, Twitter will match the spending of those who pay at least $500,000 with a cap of $1 million per advertiser. Those spending $350,000 will receive “50 percent value add”—meaning they receive additional impressions worth half of what they spend. A $200,000 investment grants advertisers a “25 percent value add,” or extra impressions worth a quarter of what they spend.

I agree that Musk is doing this because of pressure on him, but I also think it is definitely the case that posting swastikas in the context of everything else Kanye posted qualifies as “incitement to violence.”

with all this focus on ye’s hitler take, some things sure to be overlooked.


Real “Trump quadruple match energy” going on.

I can’t believe everyone is getting to watch this real-time tire fire for free.


Advertise now for a 15X match! Tell Elon you think hes A-ok. You don’t hate Elon do you? 15x match RIGHT NOW, EXPIRES IN 20 MINUTES!


Dear Nike,

Mr Musk is really upset that you haven’t activated your TRIPLE MATCH ad buy bonus. Do you hate freedom? Please click I WANT ADs button below* to do your part


-* button will auto enroll you in a recurring payment of $1million a month for shitty ads no one but bots will ever click on.


Some of us are paying 8 bucks a month!


I think this fails to recognize that advertisers are interested in more than just eyeballs. They don’t want you associating their brands with awful stuff. Look into youtube adpocalypse and subsequent policy changes.

like 10 years ago, i started an after school werewolf club with a bunch of high school kids… it was literally the best 90 minutes of every week.

until they realized that if i was a villager, they’d better kill me the first night or they were doomed.

then, they got smart enough to realize if i was alive on d2, i was 99% a wolf :smirk: