Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I have to imagine this is a little how Musk’s call with the advertising group went:

This will surprise no one but these layoffs seem to be blatantly illegal. Good thing billionaires aren’t above the law.

Given it is Musk and his actions so far he probably pivots to 60 day notice but then making everyone’s lives miserable over the holidays to hope to get people to quit/fire for cause over the next 60 days.

Just need a tweet from Larry Tribe saying this can’t possibly be happening because it’s illegal


“this company is mismanaged and I will be laying off poor performers”

“which metrics will you be using to make these decisions?”

“performance reviews put in place by previous management”

LOL can’t make this shit up, he has to be the biggest fraud that ever existed

It’s really hard to figure out what Twitter is spending on infra from their public financials, but total costs are something like $6-7 billion. Maybe 30-40% of that is infra? So probably on the order of 40% efficiency savings needed, which is not really plausible across the board. More likely there’ll just shut down GPU-hungry data science stuff that isn’t earning its keep and just do some belt-tightening elsewhere.

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They’ll just pay 60 days’ severance/gardening leave (or else try to angle people out of it with release papers or something). You can’t have thousands of angry engineers hanging around for two months.


The performance review stuff is just lies though. In practice he will definitely try to keep people that are sufficiently sycophantic and fire independent thinkers. Ya know, Leadership!


You guys are missing the most obvious strategy to achieve sustainable positive cash flows:


The whole point of buying Twitter was as a personal vanity project, of course this is how it’s going to go.

I have to reluctantly tip my hat to the complete sociopaths that are going to stick around and bleed some value out of Musk by kissing his ass and exploiting his weak spot for sycophants. Surely some people are going to get very high paying jobs at Twitter to be Yes Men and Musk will shell out for that because of his fragile ego.

I’ve heard stories of people being asked to work literally around the clock. Engineers are being asked to stay on call over the weekend and then being called and asked to do things immediately, at three or four in the morning.

I sympathize but this is every devops job

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I don’t think it’s that unusual. I worked in IT consulting at PwC out of college, during the dot-com boom/bubble. When the bubble burst, our clients burst, and PwC laid off tons of people. I hadn’t really accomplished anything at the company yet, but I was doing a good job and was on a good track (a new network architect program that they picked four of us for) - my supervisor on my final project said I would probably manage a project next.

But within days of hearing about layoffs, I was canned. I was even told it had nothing to do with my performance - it was just a numbers game. Seems like they picked the youngest and most replaceable people, meaning I wasn’t a partner and hadn’t reached a point where I had knowledge and skills that were valuable.

Now, I doubt Musk and cronies are even evaluating it THAT much, probably just like, “hmm, that department seems dumb, that person has a lib name.”

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Do I have this correct?

The Twitter checkmark is going to be the same as my unstuck checkmark except blue (and/or a swastika) and cost $8/mo?



I don’t think Elon realizes how many people have been patiently waiting for him to implode for a decade.


Everyone knows the first amendment requires companies to advertise on Twitter.