Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Unconditional Discharge

I told a Haley supporting friend in February she would end up endorsing him. I had lost confidence in that opinion but she came through. Simple fear could be a factor but I doubt it’s the main one.


lol straight out of the Ronald Reagan playbook


He does really focus on the important stuff like not paying to get an American back.

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Peskov continued

“Regarding [US-Russian] contacts on the matter of incarcerated and convicted individuals, we can say that these contacts must be carried out in total secrecy. This is the only way they can be effective,” he said.

So which is it, no contact or secret?

“The film is a fair and balanced portrait of the former president,” the producers of the film said in a statement regarding the cease-and-desist letter. “We want everyone to see it and then decide.”

At a press conference in Cannes for “The Apprentice,” Abbasi responded to Trump’s legal threats. “Everybody talks about him suing a lot of people — they don’t talk about his success rate though, you know?” he said. He also offered to screen the movie for Trump, saying, “I don’t necessarily think that this is a movie he would dislike.”

So Smith is saying

Trump is lying about the FBI trying to kill him.
This endangers agents.
Trump’s conditions of release must be modified to shut him up.

Andrew and others are saying

Cannon won’t go along with that.
Smith can then appeal.
This could become the wedge Smith needs to get Cannon removed.

Unfortunately, as Spock once said, “I believe that more than the word of an aggrieved Klingon commander would be necessary for that.” I.E., this is probably nothing.


We’re close to a deal. Let’s meet in the middle, done and done.

Let’s put the President in jail for 150 years because a LEGAL EXPENSE to a lawyer was called, by a bookkeeper, a LEGAL EXPENSE to a lawyer!What else could you call it. Crooked Joe Biden Witch Hunt. Election Interference. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

Donald Trump Truth Social 12:06 AM 05/25/24


I had a dream that I was at the Trump trial and the audience started chanting “lock him up!” I joined in.


Did they?

CNN so fake news

Donald lost part of his right hand in a fireworks incident shortly before this was take

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They are all laughing because Trump just shit himself. Poop jokes are univeral.

Maybe the warm-up act sucks. He’s up in half an hour. Does he have it in him to FO?

Wild shit going on at the Libertarian Convention, where Trump is planning to speak. Apparently, when The Libertarian delegates wrapped up the voting portion of their convention and returned to the big room, they discovered Trumpers who were transported in had stolen their priority reserved seats. The Libertarian execs asked Trumpers to move, and they resisted.
Bottom line - the Libertarian leaders threatened to cancel Trump’s speech, the Trumpers moved, and every time the Trumpers vocalize, the Libertarians go at it to drown them out. It’s Libertarian chaos! Pretty funny, actually.
Prediction: Trump’s not going to be happy with his reception here. The Libertarians are pissed.


Watched him come out on stage. Seemed like mostly boos and a “fuck Trump” chant. I’m sure he’ll call it the best greeting ever or something.

Still some booing going on. I see a MAGA=Socialism sign. But overall these Libertarians are disappointing. Trump is feeding them lines they can’t resist.

Woops. Took a bit of a misstep there by saying they should nominate him for president. Boos came out. He hit back with “Only if you want to win. Maybe you don’t want to win.” Promised to have a Libertarian in his cabinet. “Nominate me or at least vote for me.” Strong pitch.

Someone got a little too rowdy. Getting dragged out by security.

He promised to free Ross Ulbricht, which was a big hit. Apparently the guy is Libertarian Jesus or something.

Now trying to get off the stage. There he goes. Played off with Hold on I’m Comin’. WTF I thought he couldn’t use that anymore. Sam & Dave must be rolling in their graves.

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