Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Unconditional Discharge

how the fuck do you lose $328m when you don’t even advertise? Are the losses some form of fraud where they move investors money into their pockets?


He has absolutely monetized this. His stake is worth north of a billion on a stupid, loss making company

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Guess he will be losing the states rights crowd

we got him


Spoiler - no he won’t. “States rights” just means you can’t tell them to do something they don’t want. It doesn’t mean they can’t make you do something you don’t want. The hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug.

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States Rights has never been a good faith argument for anything ever in my lifetime.

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So this. It’s like saying a pyramid scheme lost money cause only the guy at the top is rich.

The entire company is a front to funnel money to Trump. It’s doing that. It’s a massive success.

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Judge Juan Merchan, who has thus far been the exact Conflicted Democrat Operative his Comrades expected, has a chance to take a real step toward rehabilitating both his Reputation and the Justice System of New York by dismissing the Biden Election Interference Witch Hunt brought by Soros funded D.A. Alvin Bragg. Every serious Legal Expert and Scholar is unequivocally stating that the “prosecutors” have not come close to putting on a case, THERE IS NO CRIME, which means that the right thing to do is to END THIS SCAM NOW AND FOREVERMORE. It would be a Big, Bold, Beautiful, but Highly Unexpected, yet BRILLIANT, step toward Justice in New York, and our Nation as a whole!

Donald Trump Truth Social 12:01 AM 05/21/24

In other news, Trump’s FEC expert witness won’t be testifying so Costello should be it.

Bringing up the big guns

Offhand, I recognize about half. But one of those is only because the name is famous. Trump should have had him lead his defense.

“Backchannel Bob”

Surprised Alito isn’t showing up for him


I guess the Trump procession is the biggest yet and may have gone over the number allotted them? Also, white shirts are the rule, apparently.

Joe Piscopo? God, there’s a name I haven’t heard in 30+ years. Trump is like a gravity well that attracts random 80’s celebrities.


Which one of his entourage is most likely to take a shit on the floor? Ronny Jackson’s peripherals are strong but Piscopo is a wild card.

Last thing I saw him in was a guest spot on STNG. He was pretty good there, tutoring Data on how to be funny. Suggested weird bird calls.

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Well let’s see how tv/twitter lawbros are in reading the jury.

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From earlier


Warp Speed!


It’s Tuesday today right. Not enough time now but next Tuesday it’ll be fine. Law is dumb sometimes