Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hail to the Thief

I seem to have gotten taller. I used to be 6’.05" but I register a solid 6’1" now. I think it’s because my head keeps growing.

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That’s unfortunate given how much you’ve always wanted a little head.

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The worst part of being 6’0" is the meme pic The 2nd worst part is no one believes me.


i feel like i’ve said this before on here, but it doesn’t matter how tall you are people are still going to lie about their height…

i remember standing next to a college basketball player in grad school that was probably 6’9" or so,(i’m 6’5") and listening to him tell some short girl that he was 7ft tall… i was like damn i guess i’m the one who’s 6’9"

I am average height and I don’t remember male height insecurity being a thing at all growing up before the Youtube pill manosphere blew up.

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Yeah I am 6’0” as well and it always sounds like a lie. The upside is you can see how many guys lie about their height. “Oh you are six foot are you? I must be 6’2” then.”

Also was never an issue when I grew up, I think I’m exactly average for my country, know big and small people. Only read about height mattering on the internet.

that and online dating. the funny thing about the youtube alpha guys is that most of them ARE short, so they are trying to overcome their own insecurities while making more young men insecure


The term Napoleon Complex exists, so I think height insecurity has been a thing for a while. Manosphere stuff certainly doesn’t help. Also, I wouldn’t be surprisedif it has become a bigger deal recently thanks to dating apps. I think a lot of women probably say they want taller men (even if they might be attracted to a shorter guy if they met irl) and so that creates feedback/discussion around the importance of height that might not have been as prominent before.

I’m 6’2” and when I was on the dating apps no one believed me.

When I was growing up I was extremely self-conscious about my height. I’m something like 6’2" now, but I grew early so I was the crazy tall kid in elementary school. I definitely did not consider it an assett.

Formerly 6’2" now 6’1"

I feel like short-to-average women’s impressions of height are all fucked up now, specifically because guys online fudge their height by 2"+. Like if you’re a 5’3" woman, you don’t have a great frame of reference that the 5’10" guy you’re on a date with isn’t really 6’1" like he said on his profile, so she’ll believe it. So then later when a guy is honest about being 5’11", she’ll be like “eww he’s two inches shorter than the last guy, nah fuck that shrimp” when he’s actually taller than the other guy was.

Height is a weird thing with some women. I remember back in the day, seeing some girls at the bar passing over much more attractive well-built ~6ft dudes to drool over some Barron Trump-looking string bean motherfucker just because he towered over everyone else.

Can confirm. I am very short, and I have a hard time guestimating most people’s heights, especially once they are more than about 6 inches taller than me. At that point, everyone is just “tall” or maybe “very tall” in my mind. I met Christian Laetner once and I’m pretty sure my brain didn’t even consider him to be a member the same species.


Pretty standard reaction to Christian Laetner tbh

Excellent 30 for 30 episode btw


I’m 6’1" and always just told women I was 6’.

I’m tall enough that I don’t meet people much taller than I am too often, but when I do it’s very disorienting.

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