Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hail to the Thief

“Kamala Harris, at least she’s not Hitler.” Maybe use a semi colon.


Yeah, people believe the Republican branding that they are better for the economy than Dems. It feels like a narrative that’s completely unassailable despite what the facts are. The left doesn’t have anyone that can speak credibly to regular people about the economy. Bernie was very very good and so is Mayor Pete, but our coalition can’t really get behind either because different parts hate them for different reasons. That shit doesn’t happen on the Right. They welcome anyone who wants to champion their message regardless of how poorly they actually mesh with everyone else.


Say what you want about the man but Hitler delivered on his campaign promises.


He tried to, but those damn liberals and their damn interference and obstruction.

If I were looking to be politically active in the US right now I would be gearing up to oppose deportations. That seems like something that is going to go in the “fight” bucket because the battle lines are drawn and there is no convincing people, at least not right now. Maybe later when the news stories come out about kids getting orphaned because their parents get deported or whatever.

Everything else is mired in an incredible amount of uncertainty at the moment, both in terms of how Trump’s administration is actually going to behave in practice, and in terms of how the parties will be perceived at future elections. Mass deportations seems like something that is both very likely to happen and very likely to be bad when it does.

Yeah, the optimistic/SSC view of all of this is that Trump is just full of shit with respect to everything he says. So, maybe he’s full of shit on all the evil stuff and he’ll just kick back and play some golf. PadmeAnakin.jpg


What does that look like? Mass demonstrations? I was also thinking about something along the lines of the Underground Railroad. Both of those options seem likely to lead to violence pdq.


Homan at the switch.


Not sure, but I would assume there will be protest movements springing up against this, especially in LA. Whatever action is taken (even if its just more passive stuff like legal aid) will need to be worked out collectively.

However much can be done, I just don’t think there is anywhere else useful to direct political energies at the moment. There was an election, the Rs won, now we wait to see what that will mean. There is nothing you can do to obstruct them from doing whatever they intend to do at the higher levels of power. You can make it a bit more difficult for ICE to do their jobs though.

Rapists of a feather flock together. WTF at calling Jackson proven innocent.

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One thing I will be watching is how the Sanctuary City thing plays out. ICE will be much more effective if it can essentially deputize local police forces to identify undocumented folks who have some interaction with the cops. All those local officers could be a big force multiplier and also might not get as much notice as big organized ICE sweeps. If, OTOH, Mayors, Governors and local cops don’t play ball, the process will be slower and get more public attention.

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Feels like russian-made propaganda and odd that this piece of media that’s clearly supposed to be positive about trump still mentions that he had a very close personal relationship with this high-profile pedophile

Edit: i guess the point is to put the idea out there that a lot of celebrities are falsely accused of child sex crimes and you shouldn’t believe it? Why does the group making propaganda videos defending donald trump want to do that? :thinking:

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Literally didn’t recognize him without bronze, platform shoes, oversized suits, etc.

He old & frail.

I’m far more likely to vote for him than the orange diaper he portrays.

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I was thinking the looks 100 times better in that photo than his normal look.

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My thoughts too. You almost remember he is a human for a split second. Just for a split second though.


Sure, he looks like a human being. An old, frail one. And one who would never have been elected to be president.

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I got that reference!

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Porque no los dos? I’d prioritize fighting/outnumbering them tho’.