Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I am very interested in conviction and jail time wagers. If you want to bet those, let me know.

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Very true. I suppose with a different jury pool Manson couldā€™ve walked. Let me leave you with this thought

Remember when everyone was so worried that nothing would become of the documents case? Well back then, that was a valid concern. The fact was, they really didnā€™t want to prosecute. To the point where they gave Trump every out imaginable. All he had to do right up until the point where they showed up with a search warrant was say something to the effect of, ā€œHeh heh oops! I guess we missed these. Here ya goā€ and we probably wouldnā€™t even have heard about it for at least another couple of years. As played, he forced their hand and caused Garland to take the unprecedented step of issuing a search warrant on a former POTUS. From that point forward, they swiftly and painstakingly built their case leaving no stone unturned even piercing attorney client privilege! Now, do you really think they wouldā€™ve moved forward and pulled the trigger on an indictment if they didnā€™t have him dead to rights? If they didnā€™t think they are able to prove his crimes beyond a reasonable doubt? Remember they never wanted to do this in the first place and were looking for any reason to drop the investigation

Heā€™s fucked now and thereā€™s not a goddamn thing he can do about it. This isnā€™t some tabloid civil case where he can keep throwing money at billboard lawyers to get continuance after continuance. They are now up against seasoned DoJ professionals. The best in the business who would never bring such an indictment unless they were very sure of winning

Weā€™ll know more after Tuesday, but I expect things to move rather quickly from here depending on how openly prejudiced Cannon wants to be. And even if sheā€™s at the extreme, this prosecutorial team will go around and thru her like shit thru a goose. You guys are worrying for nothing

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I should probably be more clear on what Iā€™d like to bet onā€¦ Iā€™m willing to wager that a judge or jury will find him guilty. Iā€™m NOT interested in gambling on where a 76 year old man will fall within the actuary tables when it comes to mortality or sickness. I think death, illness, or other non court events that prevent a verdict from being reached should be considered a no bet. Rugby and I had a very difficult time reaching agreement on this. He wanted every conceivable result that ended in no verdict. Death, stroke, nuclear proliferation. Iā€™m not interested in another one of those. It goes against the spirit of the betz which is will a judge or jury actually convict him

Iā€™m willing to wager on jail time with the same stipulations above. Weā€™d also need parameters on what qualifies as confinement. I can tell you right now that Iā€™ll need some long odds, especially if prison is the only qualifier. Lmk

Thatā€™s state. Give some examples of federal trials lasting that long. I believe the McMartin preschool trial was the longest federal trial in history and that lasted 7 years. Federal trials go much quicker precisely because you canā€™t pull the shenanigans that you can with states

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Last time. There no examples of a president being charged like this

There are 500 examples of trump doing whatever the fuck he wants and never facing consequences.

I hope you are right but I just donā€™t ever see it.

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I admit Iā€™m not following this very closely while on vacation, but Iā€™m surprised Dyan Cannon even went to law school.

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He was joking

Go storm a military base? Theyā€™re just storming schools and libraries. They do know someone who goes to another school whoā€™s going to take care of the military bases


These same people thought Hillary being merely investigated for similar was completely disqualifying


I remember our back and forth on the last bet. That was pretty exhausting, but I guess we got there in the end. I fear we will run into the same issues here. A lot of Trumpā€™s outs involve endless delays and just kicking the can down the road. I get that you donā€™t want to consider those, but those are legit outs. Anyway, Iā€™ll see if I can figure a way around this problem. Death is easy. Illness or ā€œnon-courtā€ event are much tougher to define.

Same people think being a convict means you should banned from life for voting


20% seems awfully high, I bet most of them eventually vote for Trump anyway.

Lol, that includes at least some voters that have DeSantis as their number one choice. Unreal.

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Fwiw I agree that endless stalls are a legit tactic and those should count as wins in your column. Maybe just set a deadline? Like I donā€™t agree with most here that heā€™ll be able to stall indefinitely or for years on end. I think everything will be over (with the documents case) within 2 years tops

I believe his only outs are death, prolonged hospitalization, or an election win that either delivers a pardon or dismantles our justice system

Just watched a Lindsey Graham interview and it was all I could do to keep from throwing up in my mouth

These people shouldnā€™t be credibly debated. They need to be shunned and shamed for the hypocrital ignoramuses they are. Onward full steam ahead. Fuck these gaslighting democracy destroying clowns


These are genuinely the least intelligent people in society being polled. This is a very unsurprising result. Iā€™m guessing less than 1/10 could even describe how the US government operates with 6th grade accuracy.


Yes, but they vote unfortunately


This is like the opposite of the boy who cried wolf