Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

No, I’m betting that he doesn’t. NMW claims that’s me just jamming my dick in a door.

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She doesn’t have to throw out the case. There are a million ways to make sure the defense wins short of that (primarily evidentiary rulings). But she won’t even have to be that subtle because Trump will just waive a jury and she’ll just decide the prosecution didn’t meet its burden on whatever element. If she’s the judge, he wins. End of story. Yes I’m mad.

OK, guys I’ll admit “single circle” was sloppy and wrong on my part. Let’s just say there is a lot of overlap.

Not sure if you’ve been following, but according to two law bros and one cited source above, Trump can’t waive a jury trial without DOJ agreeing to it.


Thanks, no I missed that.

I didn’t know that either. However, it sounds to me that Cannon could have a jury trial, torpedo the DOJ as much as possible and if after all that the jury returns a guilty verdict, she could set aside the verdict and declare him not guilty.

DOJ could probably (?definitely) appeal that. Of course we know where the appeal is going to ultimately end up.

Can a lawbro please verify this? Because if true, I might move to a country with a better system of justice such as one under sharia law

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This will be the most intensely followed and scrutinized trial in the history of civilization. There’s not a single chance of any of this happening! Jesus…

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@simplicitus more or less did:

Appeals = wasting time

If this gets pushed out too far

Surprise trump is president again

Can’t prosecute a sitting president herp derp

This judge has to do very little to sabotage this case

+300, I win if she recuses, you win if trial commences with her presiding, no action in any other circumstances. Majority vote in a pole here if there is dispute. Amount your discretion, within reason.

One downside for you is that if I win if will probably be soon, while you winning will require the trial to start which will probably take like 17 years. Maybe a lawbro can suggest a closer date at which she will have recused if she’s going to do it at all, I don’t know how it works in terms of the judge handling motions to dismiss being the same as trial judge or whatever.

I can’t see how it would be in anyone’s interest to allow a judge to get away with that. It would make a mockery of all FL federal district judges as well as our federal rule of law. This is why they quickly rebuked her first crappy rulings. I mean, I can’t argue all these far out hypotheticals. They’re too insane. If you want to waste time worrying about 6 sigma events, you’re welcome too. I just think proselytizing such is a disservice to the cause, that’s all

I think there is a very solid chance of Trump getting convicted here btw and I think probably the main out is jury nullification, which is definitely a possibility. If you are looking to deprogram a minor-league Trump cultist though, forcing them Clockwork Orange style to sit through weeks of testimony showing in detail Trump breaking the law with incredibly sensitive documents in the most cartoonishly willful and oafish manner possible… I mean it seems like that could work. They already got grand juries to indict.

His other out is some sort of procedural shenanigans, but there are limits to the magic that can be worked with an indictment this open and shut. You could throw out half the indictment and still get a conviction.


I give up on this forum unless someone wants to offer more wagers. I just won’t structure another one like Ruby’s, which I deeply regret having made. It was insanely careless of me to agree to pay someone up front money and in essence hold my money on a bet I think I’ll very likely win. So if anyone has something more reasonable, please DM me. Good luck

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I think jury selection is where they’ll have the biggest edge with Cannon. The rest of your post is spot on imo. Also afaik, a hung jury doesn’t mean acquittal

It also doesn’t mean conviction.

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still mostly noise. too entitled and comfortable to ever jeopardize that in any large and organized number

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this is a lock in the free state of FLORIDA imo, even a Miami jury pool will be more than 1/12th maga