Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Don’t think your team gets to use this one anymore

GA too

I will bet that she recuses. Not at even money but given odds I will. We can discuss terms if you’re interested at all.

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Isn’t this what people were saying after 2008?

I totally bought the demographics argument then. Less than a decade later, Trump is president with a trifecta.

She could of course make ridiculous rulings that would need to be appealed which would introduce delays. She could also just slow walk the whole thing into the next election.

But the nightmare is she doesn’t do any of that and just directs a verdict of not guilty after the goverment presents their case

I’d say delays but also limiting crucial evidence for bogus reasons. Outright dismissal scenarios seem unlikely.

Suggest a line.

Oh that’s right.

Dick door jamming is your kink

You could just run your mouth or you could bet on Trump doing jail time. If you’re interested in the latter, let’s talk terms.


she already went ridiculous far in favor of trump and slapped down hard by the circuit court

Why not? The venn diagram of anti-abortion nuts and stop-the-steal-republicans is a single circle.

At least some moderate Rs seems to be less rabid about the whole no exceptions for any reason part.

Jesus you don’t know a single Republican do you?

Go check the Clovis bet proposal bro.

I see a post about him betting on a recusal. That’s different from what I’m talking about.

This isn’t that hard. Are you willing on trump being found guilty or doing prison? If yes, then give me some terms. If not, then maybe realize you’re not to be taken seriously.

Not a lawyer and all that, but even the most in the tank judge needs to have an ostensibly legitimate reason to throw out an obviously strong case, struggling to think of any ostensibly legitimate reasons to do so on the horizon here. But maybe this is copium on my part.

I find as a matter of law the the act of a president taking blah blah imparts declassification


I find as a matter of law that the the opposite party doj can’t get out of the political conflict.

Or whatever.

The reason doesn’t actually have to make sense, you saw how these idiots went for telepathic declassification hook line and sinker. Have any of them been asked about trumps EXPLICIT ACKNOWLEDGMENT that he hadn’t declassified

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You have forgotten about the fuck you, no defense?

I haven’t forgotten about it, it would just be a singular act of malfeasance and she would become the most infamous judge in American history, that may be an incentive to play it mostly straight, but let’s just move on, ultimately I’m just as shook as everybody.

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You want to bet he does time? Name the terms.