Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I don’t know what DeSantis could actually accomplish as POTUS, but the laws going through in Florida have been truly heinous. They almost made it a felony to simply give a ride to someone who was undocumented. It is a felony to drive someone who is undocumented into the state, but they tried to do it within the state as well. And of course they’ve banned teaching about race or gender. And banning abortion after 6 weeks (a third of women don’t even know they are pregnant at that point).


Is bad, because why?

Also this was pretty standard intro to poli sci stuff that liberals supposedly do well in

Trump just made many more people learn it, and in a very real way instead of theoretical

Thousand yard stare

You’re hoping that if we do the thing proven to be unhelpful, we can change the fact that it’s unhelpful?

None of that will hurt NMW, other than increasing his caseload. Insurrection, though, that will totally materially affect him. Just in an intangible, aesthetic way, but that’s material, right?

Oh, yeah, I’m just like hospitals, hoping we don’t run out of sick people.


Bonus pic of a crow thanks to my crappy iPhone.


We don’t know cactus. That’s why that are constitutional crisesssss

A former president hasn’t been charged federally. Who knows what garbage the defense will try and the judge can be like.

Yeah trump IS a whistle blower case dismissed.

lol, where did this lawbro clown come from? Is this Preet’s gimmick?

The cynics have been consistently right for ~8 years.

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IANAL but I don’t think it works like that. A judge can’t just say fuck it, I hereby declare defendant innocent even though I have this mountain of evidence before me demonstrating guilt

And even if it DID work that way, he’s got GA, NY, and J6 coming down the pike that he’ll hafta dodge. I find it so implausible to think he’s anything but fucked

Me too. I’m also not a lawyer


I think they can do exactly that if Trump waives a jury trial. Maybe one of the lawbros can confirm?

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USAO has to agree (and judge as well).

Right about what? At pointing out human frailty and implicitly wanting a strongman of our own to do something indelicate?

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A nice pet to have.

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Oh, so to waive jury trial, both sides need to agree?

One thing a judge absolutely can do is grant endless delays. The Texas AG has been under indictment for 8 years!

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a) Jury Trial. If the defendant is entitled to a jury trial, the trial must be by jury unless:

(1) the defendant waives a jury trial in writing;

(2) the government consents; and

(3) the court approves.


Thanks. Obviously we’re assuming 1 & 3 are no object. So if govt agrees to bench trial, then the Judge can rule however they please. Is such a ruling (if not guilty) appealable by the DOJ?