Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition



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Nothing will happen!
[investigations start]

Heā€™ll never get indicted!!
[gets indicted]

Heā€™ll never get FEDERALLY indicted!!!
[gets federally indicted]

Heā€™ll never get convicted!!!
[if he gets convictedā€¦]

Heā€™ll never go to jail!!!

At what point do you start sounding silly even to yourself?


Sometimes cynicism is a convenient replacement for analysis.



Dude come on

Heā€™s not getting convicted.

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Pence seemed to think so.

And heā€™s right.

Trump is sui generis on being able to do whatever he wants and get away with it. Imagine DeSantis insulting his voters.


The USA intervenes via military or three letter agency or ā€œdiplomacyā€


You are making the standard liberal error

Trump revealing itā€™s all bullshit and muh norms was good, actually, Clovis

Laws do actually hurt real people

thereā€™s a lot going on there. first of all, a guitar, really? who is it supposed to impress? front page of washington times, maybe? someoneā€™s foot. pictures of trmp on a tarmac.


This is just bad Trolly

There are definitely things the defense can do to cause some delays (and it wouldā€™ve been much worse if tried in DC, which is almost certainly why they chose this FL venue. IOW, they know what theyā€™re doing)

But this is NOT a civil trial. Their tactics are extremely limited. Please stop dispensing this notion that Trump has some kind of super powers. He simply doesnā€™t. He is being federally prosecuted and does not have any say in how things go down from here. In short, heā€™s fucked

He literally appointed the judge


And how has that been working out for him? In fact, how did it work out for him the last time they were before this very same judge?

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He also appointed Kavanaugh who just handed a House majority to the Dems.

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A million times this. Itā€™s not so much the destruction of norms, but the realization that our democracy has relied and depended on them for this long. Iā€™m hoping that if we can elect the right people, we can change that

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve said he wonā€™t get indicted. I may be misremembering.

Iā€™ve always been firmly in the he will never face any actual consequences under any circumstance.

Being indicted helps him.

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If only someone spoke on camera like Ronald Reagan and didnā€™t tweet ridiculous things we could pretend that the norms were all in place and effective while he sold arms to Iran to get money to fund death squads in Central America.


You mean when she gave him exactly what he asked for?

Initially, Mr. Trumpā€™s demand that an outside arbiter sift through the materials the F.B.I. seized from his Florida estate seemed to turn in his favor. His lawsuit was assigned to a judge he had appointed, Aileen M. Cannon of the Southern District of Florida, who surprised legal experts by granting his request.

In naming a special master suggested by Mr. Trumpā€™s lawyers, she effectively froze the Justice Departmentā€™s investigation and gave the arbiter a broad mandate. The judge, Raymond J. Dearie of Federal District Court for the Eastern District of New York, would filter the materials not just for attorney-client privilege, which is not unusual, but also for executive privilege, which is unprecedented.

The DOJ was able to appeal and get Cannonā€™s decision overturned but itā€™s not great to have to hope you can out-appeal a shitty judge.