Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

How are the Republicans running against him supposed to use this against him while simultaneously promising to pardon him?

Will they say Biden HASN’T gone too far?

I think that there is a meaningful difference between what Trump was as President in 2016 and what DeSantis would have done if Trump was never born and DeSantis somehow became President. In such a world, DeSantis would have been just a standard bad R President.

As played, DeSantis is worse. He has Trump’s blueprint to follow, mainly 1) shamelessness is a superpower 2) lol norms and 3) intentionally dividing the country/pissing off the other side just for the sake of it can actually be good politics for Rs

If DeSantis is just following Trump’s blueprint then why is he worse? The below, imo:

a) the obvious he is smarter/more disciplined

b) he is more sincerely committed to the conservative cause. This is not just policy, whereas Trump was sincerely committed to maintaining his own personal power, DeSantis is sincerely committed to establishing and maintaining conservative power for generations

c) on the pure cruelty stuff, DeSantis is like a guy who just joined a gang. He is going to do worst stuff than OGs to gain street cred with the Trumpers.


yes she’s really gonna have a hard time with still doing the same things in the same position as before

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We are talking about a guy who was a founding member of the Freedom Caucus before Trump was president. We should assume he is as crazy as the rest, but perhaps more effective at getting things done because he doesn’t treat being a politician as being a social media influencer.

I’m definitely done with the “man we’re so much better off if trump wins the primary” thought process did we forget how close of an insurrection we really could’ve been there.

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DeSantis and other Rs have learned there are no consequences to attempting an insurrection. They will all try it, but likely do it better than Trump.

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Yeah, this pretty much sums it up. Plus you would be staring at 2 terms of DeSantis vs only one of Trump (hopefully).

I’d rank in order of preference

  1. DeSantis in an alternative non-Trump reality
  2. Trump
  3. Current, real DeSantis

While I would like to think this is Kari’s first step toward joining Ashli Babbitt in the Distinguished Order of Fuck Around and Find Out, somehow I think she’s just talking shit


We’ve lost Turdley?!?

The destruction of norms (or rather the revealing that the whole fucking system is built on norms) has done far more harm than any legislation ever could.

No amount of bad laws passed by DeSantis would ever come close.

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Sorry, but I’m going to go with Trump being worse than DeSantis should one of them be elected. Trump was not far away from trying to declare martial law. He was trying to get a devoted slappy to turn the military to his side. Trump already has most cops on his side. He has the morons with AR-15’s on his side. All he needs now is the military and we’re fucked. DeSantis will have more of the traditional republican political types in his administration. They will temper his most radical instincts. They will force him into a more coherant foreign policy.


This is fair - they’d all like to try it. But I don’t think they would get as far. Insurrection requires devotion - only Trump gets that response. Hard to see Meatball Ron getting people to act the same way.

I could well be wrong and the hatred for Biden would overcome even Desantis’ mashed potatoes charisma. But I think the figurehead matters.

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The norms are already destroyed. That damage is done. There is not a whole lot more that Trump can do on that front. He’ll be content to just rage tweet/truth at 3AM.

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Given where we are now, DeSantis 1 is worse than Trump 2.

Holy fuck man you can’t be serious.

How do you think democracies end?

I honestly can’t believe my take is not unanimous. Wow.

Much prefer r desaster over the innocent man, both to campaign against and if he manages to win. He’s so fundamentally unlikable, I think it’s an easier hold than most people think, but I may be wrong.

Yep. Trump destroyed the norms and DeSantis probably wouldn’t have in an alternate non-Trump reality. Granted.

But as we stand now, DeSantis is not going to restore our norms, the exact opposite. His reaction to Trump’s norm trampling is “wow, didn’t know you could do that……”

So DeSantis is going to look for new and creative ways to exploit our norm trampled world, look at his migrant kidnapping and Disney stunts for a preview.

Or a another recent one, government officials explicitly requesting money from people doing gov’t business:

Pre-DeSantis, everyone “knew” that campaign donations could implicitly help get government business done. So like Trump, DeSantis was like f it, no more charades. Yes, if you want to do business in Florida, you should give me money. Don’t like it, well what the f are you going to do about it?


I’m not sure I fully understand it, but it’s interesting

Durkheim never used the term normlessness ;[6] rather, he described anomie as “derangement,” and “an insatiable will.”[7][ need quotation to verify ] Durkheim used the term “the malady of the infinite” because desire without limit can never be fulfilled; it only becomes more intense.[8]

For Durkheim, anomie arises more generally from a mismatch between personal or group standards and wider social standards; or from the lack of a social ethic, which produces moral deregulation and an absence of legitimate aspirations. This is a nurtured condition:

this is good, too

One thing to keep in mind is if Desanctus gets the nom, something major will have had to happen to the innocent man, and there are millions of people who show up only to vote for the innocent man; is that offset by the return of certain suburban types to Desanctus, maybe, but maybe the blue wall is in better shape and AZ/GA go back to red but there’s less to sweat in PA/MI.

If the major thing that happens to the innocent man is the Republican party being disloyal in his mind, Sleepy, if still alive, is looking at a landslide win.