Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

What about a simulator?

Actually think a simulator would be great punishment if it wasn’t coded to allow him to cheat. Make him all angry for not being able to break 90 or 100.


I don’t see how unless the other candidates start attacking him for it. The opposite is happening.


Hope you’re right, but I disagree.

With you so far.

Things could change, but this might actually make the primary easier for him. What primary opponent benefits from this? They’d have to come out and say “yeah he did all the crimes”. No one prominent is doing that. The GOP is lining up in defense of Trump.

People’s minds are made up with Trump. I don’t think this moves the needle much at all.

And their minds are even more made up with regard to downballot races.

The era of “I’m voting for the N-word” is over.

Yeah, by all accounts this was a pretty sold job.

Maybe the website has an article saying that, but the Fox News that boomers are watching is behind Trump 100%. I’m certain of this because I’m at my in-laws and seeing it myself.

So yeah, I really don’t think this is a game changer at all. I think the economy (meaning people’s personal financial situation) is a much bigger factor. Also just how batshit crazy the GOP wants to go regarding abortion and LGBT rights. Those have the potential move the needle, possible substantially. This? Meh.


It’s an eminence front! It’s a put on

I think Trump remains a heavy favorite in the primary and an underdog in the general. Something like -300 / +250 respectively. But the more we see from Desantis, I think it’s actually pretty clear democrats should pull for trump to be the nominee. Not necessarily because Desantis is a significantly better candidate, though he probably is, but because he will actually do heinous shit. Trump basically just waltzed around play acting and rage tweeting.


I found myself in an office yesterday with my boss and 2 other guys. All three outrank me and can/will have impact/influence on my career. I also really like all of them. The following things were said while I just sat there and listened. I’m forgetting some of it I’m sure.

“Did you hear they indicted Trump? It’s bullshit. Biden did the same thing”

“I liked the economy a lot more under Trump”

“Yeah, he’s a brilliant businessman but he just needs to shut up”

"Yeah his tariffs and stuff were great for the economy "

“I like Desantis”

“Yeah but he doesn’t seem to be popular enough”

“The democrats are just too good at sticking together on things while the republicans fight eachother” WHAT?!?!?

“Yeah they just want as many people on welfare as possible to keep voting dem while the gop wants smaller government”

“Honestly I’d vote for Elon over any of them”

“Yeah me too the guy is fucking brilliant”

“You ever been around someone so smart that you just don’t want to talk and look stupid?”

Some more bullshit then we walked out of the office. None of these guys are extreme RWNJ types, just casual low info republican voters w brain rot. Fox News baby! I knew my best and only play was to stfu and let them go cuz I wasn’t changing anyone’s mind about anything in that room. It was a soul sucking experience and I needed to vent about it. Ugh




How are you forgetting his 4 years already?
Do I really need to document all the awful things he did that will be with us for generations. You are making the standard liberal error of thinking policy is what matters (although he did a fair amount of that too). Surely you agree at this point that the ways he did bad are orders of magnitude worse than passing bad laws!!!

Just to clarify my earlier point I don’t think it makes it easier for the field to beat him in a vacuum. I think it’s just one more ball for Trump to juggle. One more thing to stress him out. One more thing that increases his chances of stroking out or not even making it to election day in the first primary state.

Of course I think we were all sitting around back in 2015/2016 saying surely this will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back and it never was.

I would not bet the field against Trump in the GOP primary today but there is no doubt in my mind Trump’s chances are to some degree worse than they were prior to this bombshell.


I’ve been told there are plenty of shy trump voters who would never admit it or be seen in MAGA gear, but in the ballot box, the mask comes off. Maybe those are the “non-extremists”?

Edit: also what mosdef said.

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People’s minds are made up with Democrats. For a lot of Republican voters, it doesn’t matter what Trump or any Republican does because Democrats are, by definition, worse and must have done something even more illegal and covered it up. (Something similar happens on the far left, where the worse Republicans act, the worse Democrats have to be to justify a worldview that both parties are practically the same.)

They think similarly to Trump, a notorious golf cheat who justified his cheating by claiming others were doing the same or worse. This is also how he thinks about business and politics.


Man, I don’t know how you couldn’t resist the urged to just wind up and start dunking. I think it would have been Christoph Waltz in Django moment for me. Yeah, calling them out would be an incredibly dumb, -EV career move. But I’d have to do it.


The point is Trump did that as a side effect of whatever he was trying to do, DeSantis actually understands how to use executive power to do intentionally evil shit.

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Yet again I wish Biden was as cool as right wing derpers think he is.

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I don’t see how Dems possibly lose the general vs. Trump juggling legal issues on the campaign trail, but then I also had no idea how the Dems could lose back in 2016 or 2000 so I’m excited to see how they fuck it up this time.

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Wasn’t GWB the favorite leading into election day in 2000? I definitely don’t remember thinking, “How can Gore lose this one?”.

Biden dies and they go with Harris.

Oh no


Biden should do the right thing and indict himself