Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

it’s an older meme but it checks out


these are great days we’re livin, bros


Wake up this morning.

See Trump news.

Follow the score of the Oregon Ducks super regional game against Oral Roberts.

Ducks go down 8-0 in the 3rd

I go back to sleep.

In my dream Donald Trump comes into the room in a wheelchair looking sad. I spray a bunch of water on him and say “what’s the matter? Worried you’re going to get fucked in the ass in prison a bunch? I don’t even think sexual violence is at all funny but in your case I’m making an exception.” Also, Vladimir Putin had a cameo as my Nana’s husband.

Wake up. Wonder if I need to reflect on the problematic elements in my dream.

Ducks won 9-8


The good, the bad, and the twilight between inverted

In the lol never-gonna-happen event that he ever gets convicted for these crimes, Trump will blow his own brains out before he ever allows himself to get dragged off to prison in an orange jump suit.

Unless a Republican becomes president. In which case he simply waits for the Day 1 pardon.

ha I can make memes now

LOL, I’m sure she both doesn’t think so and doesn’t give a fuck about anyone who would think that.

Trump waiving jury and getting acquitted by his judge seems the way to go. Throw in a right to a speedy trial and he’s back on the campaign trail and “totally exonerated” in no time.

Cool, cool


Boxes of paper are stored in various demeaning places, with more or less the same care that my parents display for their bulk purchases of paper towels.

Fuck 'em. it’s time to kill our neighbors, if it be so.

A bit distanced from the 2nd instruction, which is like unto and no less great than the 1st.

Ripley : Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother? Ash : No, we’re still collating. Ripley : [laughing in disbelief] You’re what? You’re still collating?


Really hilarious when you think about collating as what copiers do when you want to print a ton of copies of the same document.

GOAT movie though.

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“Trump extremists” has to the the biggest redundancy ever written. It’s the chai tea of politics.


He is never getting convicted but even if he did he is never serving time. There is no mechanism for this to happen. How does a guy with 24/7 secret service protection go to jail?

There are some Trump supporters that aren’t the frothing racist conspiracy theorists. Some of them are just Run The Country Like A Business Taxes Are Bad run of the mill low info conservatives. Trump’s base is the frothing hate addicts but come there are some more boring supporters as well. 74 million people voted for him in 2020.

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Could the US legal system not stretch to some sort of atypical accommodation? House arrest at a gated compound in the middle of the Shitvalley Desert or whatever. Basically the Napoleon > St Helena treatment.

Napoleon didn’t have intenet access.

It was always on the table from day 1 but I think Trump totally destroying the GOP is now pretty likely rather than just possible in my opinion.

I still don’t think he will enter a guilty plea, get convicted or have any punishment through the court system for the myriad of crimes he has committed. I do however think this makes the GOP primary much harder for Trump and the general election nearly impossible. The amount of evidence seems to be enormous. His margins in a general election were already tiny before this and this is definitely going to hurt. Trump will also do what he always does. Make it an ugly mess. Play the victim. Attempt to gaslight as many as possible. The difference this time is that the evidence is not only whelming but makes him look like a moron on a level that is staggering even for him.

Whether he is the nominee or not in 2024 that is very bad for the GOP.

All that to say I’m starting to feel like joining team cactus/ssc.

Also kudos to the actual prosecutor and investigative team. I, along with many of us, assumed they were just pulling the Mueller/Garland routine and running out the clock before refusing to do anything. Instead it seems like they spent that time building an air tight case.

ETA: Even Fox News thinks this is serious trouble


Or maybe he just throws out procedural delays and appeals until he’s 90.

House arrest with an ankle bracelet, no golf allowed.