Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

can you fucking IMAGINE how insane the right would go if a Biden-appointed judge was assigned to a case against Hunter?

AFTER having presided over a case against him THE YEAR BEFORE and totally BUNGLED IT IN HIS FAVOR? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I can’t really see them going after her.

If this analysis is true (and it sounds plausible), it was malpractice by the prosecution to file where they did.

Bad Wikipedia page.

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Only for a season.

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I don’t think they had any other option.

I think they’re supposed to file in the division where Mar-a-Lago is located.

I’m pretty sure they could have filed in DC, but admittedly it’s been a while since my CrimPro class.


I’m pretty sure this is right. However, Trump likely would have been able to have transferred to Florida, so wouldn’t have mattered other than slowing down process while you wait on DC judge to rule on motion to transfer.

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The answer is literally always LOL LAW


The game of kings and queens is now litigation.

Counselor, could you be there?

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I guess it depends on how many judges are in the West Palm division. If you know you’re 25% to get this clown, maybe you take the chance in DC.

Seems super convenient to have appointed a lackey judge in the same division where you reside.

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7th dimension chess


I’m laughing at the Heritage political nerd whose like “Trump’s been indicted? Quick try and create a false equivalency with Hunter Biden! Release the pictures that we’ve been holding onto of Hunter snorting cocaine off a baker’s dozen of hookers’ asses and then immediately release the second patch of them snorting it off his dick! That should do it!”

And the one intern that’s actually in touch with society in the back muttering, “No don’t do it. It’s not going to do what you think it’s going to do”

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I don’t know what’s happening anymore.


A news station was interviewing a man who lived near a dangerous intersection known for an inordinate number of car crashes.
