Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

ABC reported that when Trump looked at the indictment, he was mostly interested in the pictures.


That is an excellent math joke

Socks was a black and white cat during the Clinton administration. He was very popular and got a lot of mail. Fiscal responsibility obliged Republicans to enquire why the taxpayer was expected to pay the postage on Socksā€™ replies.

Lol did they actually discuss this on the congress floor?

ā€œThis is probably one of the most transparent and straightforward indictments that defines national defense information and gives the public a sense of the itemized description of every document, which is not how this particular law has been used against ordinary citizens,ā€ Winner said. ā€œSo this might set the new legal standard on how it will be used in the future. Perhaps it could give people like myself who were acting out of moral conscience more leverage under the law.ā€

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I post this other stuff because most federal judges would flip their shit if a defendant tried something like this.

Remember also that whatever reaction Trump had to the indictment, it made his lawyers quit.

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Nah. I think it was just one guy to be honest. Fella called Dan Burton. He was the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee though.


Hey, the ALT text came in handy for once.

This is how this stuff tends to work. For example, the federal Central District of CA covers all of LA, Ventura, and Orange County, but if you tick a box on the civil cover sheet when filing a case saying, eg, the case arouse in OC, then you are assigned to the OC federal courthouse and receive an OC judge.

Hear me out. A ā€œyou donā€™t get to have a judge you personally appointed preside over your criminal caseā€ rule might be, like, table stakes for a functioning society.



Cliffs: There was a case against Clinton involving some tapes of interviews he gave while President. There is a law that basically says that ā€œPresidential Recordsā€ are supposed to be preserved and turned over to the National Archives. Clinton argued that the tapes were personal items that didnā€™t meet the definition of a Presidential Record. The court basically agreed and wrote some stuff about how it will give a lot of deference to the Executive Branch and the President when it comes to categorizing those items.

Trump seems to want to argue that the Clinton case means that he should be able to keep the classified documents. There are several reasons why the cases are different, but for Trump and his supporters ā€œClinton Socksā€ is shorthand for, ā€œthey let Clinton keep stuff, so I should get to keep stuff, too.ā€


That makes a hell of a lot more sense than a cat.


Bovada sure gave me a ton of free EV on election night. They took a long time to pay out though

Completely agree. Judges are supposed to recuse themselves to avoid any appearance of impropriety. Cannon should recuse herself. I doubt she will. It sucks, but at least her entire career will be tarred. She will become a punchline. And, ultimately, itā€™s a jury that decides a case (though Trump could waive a jury, lol), but Cannon could do all kinds of shit to slow down and hamper the case.

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Oh no.


I mean Trump could skate in this case and the three others. Still, heā€™ll basically be living like OJ Simpson, where everyone knows heā€™s a criminal. Could be better, could be a lot worse. I donā€™t think thereā€™s more than a 10% chance heā€™ll be the next president, and that would basically require Biden dying and more.

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Right? Exactly what are the consequences for a ā€œtarred careerā€?

Oh no.