Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition


Hitler spent time in jail though. Nine months, even though he was sentenced to a der years.

Weimar Germany - more of a functional democracy than 21st century USA.


trmp ainā€™t got any time for that.

I also often recall brilliant things I have said in the past.


The main difference here is that Hitler wasnā€™t a billionaire, right? Some of the Joe Six Pack rubes that participated in the insurrection are getting jail time. Maybe one of them will become the leader of Americaā€™s future Fourth Reich / ISIS With Football society.


Oh, come on, that job will NEVER be finished.

Whatā€™s more important, the similarities or the differences?

This perfectly nails it. They are all in it together. The dems love this. The whole US system is a corrupt scam top to bottom without a single redeeming quality.

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Trump as the nominee allows the Dems to focus on ā€œOrange Man Badā€ rather than the fact they donā€™t actually stand for much of anything or offer any hope of actually doing anything. Of course they love it.


Iā€™m getting jaded obviously but Iā€™m not convinced the dems would be much different with another candidate other than trump. The two parties essential work together and pretend to be adversarial. The republicans push the agenda they both want and the dems agree to write letters of concern but to never take any real action. Itā€™s just theatre.

Of course there are a few holdouts like AOC and Bernie but overall the dems are in on it 100%.

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Generated lots of news baby

Sounds like I missed a historically good time.

I dont know about this. They personally hate Trump and especially the way he makes a farce of their Very Serious Jobs. To some extent they will always portray the R opponent as a danger, but if itā€™s someone like Mitt then they will do the rhetoric and then afterward go have dinner with him and get to work increasing the power and wealth of their connected friends. With Donnie Dumb Dumb after the rhetoric is done, they are not getting together off camera as pals. They donā€™t want anything to do with him.

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Took me a few minutes to realize who you were talking about (thought you meant ZikZak)!

Over 10 dollars for a single scoop and waffle cone?

INFLATIIIOONNNNN!!! Shakes fist violently


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This tweet by AOC sums up a pretty good reason for me to be disgusted, even if the long term effect is +EV.


Not that she would want to put herself through it again, but wouldnā€™t Carroll have yet another defamation case against him? He just defamed her again in that town hall. And CNN aided and abetted it? Is that a thing? Lawbros?

free article


Would be funny if trump kept losing the same defamation case over and over.