Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

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Lol Trump not going to participate in one of the primary debates because he’s pissed that the Regan library never invited him to speak

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If trump was president he would be going to coronation and England would let him.


He could be talking Ivana for all I can tell.



I thought a couple of them got cut off from the herd and didn’t want to be associated with the rest of them.

So Carroll enjoyed being raped by trump, even swooned.

We are never getting rid of this guy are we.

But he also didn’t know her. I don’t think his deposition testimony will help him.

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Judge has given him until 5pm Sunday to file notice he now wants to testify live. Yeah, that will be a no.

Take it away, Republican front runner:


Approval rating among registered Republicans +25 from this video. Lol at thinking this hurts him in a country packed to the rafters with insecure sexist assholes.


The vast majority of the right, male and female, think women are asking if for it. This will help him.

His fans like that he is saying that stuff out loud.

To them, he is stating simple but uncomfortable facts.


He’s so stupid it never gets old



One of the jurors listens to a right wing podcast. Some tool named Pool?

Maybe the other 8 will murder him.

Can some law bro explain why this is in federal court instead of state court?

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Trump is facing two lawsuits from E Jean Carroll.

The first is at the federal level and is held up in appeals trying to determine if he is liable as a person or as president. If the latter, the case is dismissed.

There’s also the civil suit which is currently ongoing.

[Carroll] previously sued Trump in 2019 after the then-president denied her rape claim by telling The Hill that Carroll was “totally lying,” saying, “I’ll say it with great respect: No. 1, she’s not my type. No. 2, it never happened. It never happened, OK?”

That defamation suit has been caught in a procedural back-and-forth over the question of whether Trump, as president, was acting in his official capacity as an employee of the federal government when he made those remarks.

If Trump is determined to have been acting as a government employee, the U.S. government would substitute as the defendant in that suit – which means that case would go away, since the government cannot be sued for defamation.

This month’s trial is taking place as Trump seeks the White House for a third time, while facing numerous legal challenges related to the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, his handling of classified material after leaving the White House, and possible attempts to interfere in Georgia’s 2020 vote. Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis said last week she would decide whether to file criminal charges against Trump or his allies this summer.