Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Confirmed got him

A double got him got him!

Ben Carson was at one time the premiere pediatric neuro surgeon on the planet. People are weird.

Also Trump hasnā€™t faced a serious consequence for anything heā€™s done in his life. Fuckin Bernie Madoff went from genius investor to federal prison in like 9 months. It doesnā€™t take 7 fucking years to indict on an illegal hush money payment. Maybe it will happen, maybe it wonā€™t, but Iā€™m near certain it wonā€™t result in any consequences. 4 years ago he tried to condition foreign aid on campaign help, nothing happened. 2 years ago he marched an angry mob to the capitol and 5 people died. Nothing happened. This isnā€™t going to be like getting Al Capone on tax fraud. There was bipartisan public will to put Capone in prison. It isnā€™t the same for Trump. He has a base and propaganda machine that will back him no matter what at this point. No jury is convicting him of jack shit, and these prosecutors just prattle about while we have to listen to how complex these cases are with all these moving parts when the outcome will likely be the same as itā€™s been for this entire mans life. Nothing will happen to him.


Michael Cohen already served his prison sentence for this, wrote a book, and now hosts a fucking podcast and meanwhile weā€™re waiting to hear if they might indict the guy who ordered the crime? lololololol


I vaguely remember years ago, like during his 2016 run or so, some people were claiming Trump had been a long time fed informant. Iā€™ve seen no clear evidence of this (I guess dodging every single consequence through his lifetime of crimes doesnā€™t count), but is there anyone out there who has pursued this theory and done some kind of deep dive into the possibility?

Ivana also rumored to be a spy. A real-life Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

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People for sure claimed he was informing on Epstein or some shit like that


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Oh shit!

New thread time!



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Still commodus.gif imo.

Fuck it Iā€™m watching Tucker tonight


Karen was in love though. you canā€™t put love on trial.

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This is tuckers absolute dream right? He gets to rail against overzealous fascist dems blah blah blah and also trump might get got (lol right) and he gets off the tiger without injury.


Riverman liveblog?

One time dealer.

Itā€™s a cult.