Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Yes it would be very very hard to prove Trump did the crimes. What wat?

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Afaict, they never signed a check to Stormy. Even under the version that is most favorable to the prosecution, Cohen paid Daniels and was then reimbursed by the Trump organization. There is no check to Stormy with a signature from TFG or the Failson.

Now do I believe that Trump asked Cohen to make the payment, knew that he did it, and knew that the Trump Organization payment was a reimbursement for it? Absolutely. Am I shocked that a risk-adverse prosecutor might get cold feet before indicating a former President based on what I know about the case? Nope.

ā€œRisk-averseā€ is a polite euphemism. These prosecutors are shit-their-pants scared of losing cases.

If Fani Willis can get Young Thug, she could get anybody!

If only we had rock-solid evidence of Trump committing much bigger crimes!

I tell you what IS becoming increasingly harder to believeā€¦ That the majority itt are/were successful poker players that migrated from a poker forum

I donā€™t think this was ever claimed. It certainly isnā€™t true

Sorry I guess Iā€™m wrong. I was referred here after being shown a politics topic on 2p2 and assumed this site started from there

In any event, you donā€™t know what you donā€™t know. No one here has any idea why this got delayed a month (if it even did). Yet they have nothing but answers, conclusions, and wisecracks lol

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The majority of posters on 2p2 arenā€™t/werenā€™t successful poker players.

Why not just wait to see what happens and then opine. Seems like the right move for someone attempting to make a point about assumptions.

A successful poker player should understand that thereā€™s a range of possible outcomes.

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It came from 2p2 but most of 2p2 was never successful at poker.

This forum is a really specific subset of 2p2 that was mostly born on third base and works white color jobs, but it does have various minority groups with and without overlap, such as poker pros and blue(ish) collar workers.

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Itā€™s been 7 years. Nothing has happened.

Nonsense. Some beautiful legal filings were prepared, diligently researched and skillfully crafted in Times New Roman, double spaced.


The Gwyneth Paltrow trial is 8 days for two people crashing into each other at five miles an hour on the bunny slopes.

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Including things that have roughly a 0% chance of happening in your ā€œrangeā€ is the idiotic and unbelievable thing here. Not the other way around.

How long until lawyers realize the game theory of releasing statements like

Millions of Americans love ā€œGoopā€ and if this radical ophthalmologist continues with his lawsuit the streets will run red with the blood of gwenyth Paltrowā€™s enemies!

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So many billable hours!

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But did they think they hit a triple?