Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Hopefully we aren’t completely screwed first.

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He’s gonna lose again and probably a bigger verdict since the criteria is “how much to make him stop.”

If I’m the judge, I’m operating on a log scale.


I’m picturing some edge case where florida is the tipping point and Biden ends up with Elise Stefanik as VP with a 50/50 senate

wait, that wouldn’t happen, it would be Trump with Harris as VP

but I also can’t see any scenario where the election comes down to florida, Trump wins, but the Democrats have the state delegations to get Harris jammed in when the GOP VP candidate falls short of a majority.

I seriously hope so. Based on that clip alone I think it’s not a lock.

If she is going to do it, then it would be by Monday, right?

He literally just called her a liar again. Seems like a free money machine for her.

Doesn’t a money machine have to result in the recipient receiving actual money?


Yeah I have to assume the lawyers are working on contingency and will have to consider whether there’s any chance of recovery.

Although there is probably somebody willing to fund the lawyers Thiel-style. Soros!

The fact that he a a favorite to be americas first dictator has to lower the chance of ever collecting by a large margin.

Inb4 think pieces titled “Trump pushing norm’s with presidential order refusing to pay his judgements”.

Inb4 dems strongly worded letter to the same.

Inb4 iron posts about how the courts will make him pay as dictator.


So lawbros, if she is going to sue him for defamation again, how quickly would she do it.

I guess what I really want to know is if there is no lawsuit after X days (and no new defamatory statements), then I think we can be pretty sure lawsuit is never coming. What is X?

It can’t be Rubio since they are both from Florida and thus cannot win Florida,

She has 83 milly to play with now. Might as well roll the dice on 500.

The great thing is she does not have to re-litigate any of the underlying facts. Just that he keeps lying about them.

Once he has to post money for a bond to appeal, I think she is also protected against a bankruptcy filing. The money is no longer part of his estate.

Her only risk is losing on appeal.

And if Chubb didn’t have an escape clause in the event he keeps defaming her, then they are stupid or crooked or both.

Huh? Maybe I am mistaken but I believe she has collected exactly $0. Her risk is he becomes president or the courts fail to make him pay. So weird to act like this is all just normal courts stuff among normal litigants.

He had to put up the bond. The money is there. As to when she can access, I don’t know.

I doubt he’s got a leg to stand on in civil proceedings. Well other than outright lawlessness by SCOTUS. Oh wait…

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I am trying to imagine the possibility that someone watches this earnestly and takes anything she says to heart, at all. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, I just can’t imagine it myself.

Supreme Court: LOL sure they can


Maybe there’s a reason for Carroll to reject the bond after all. There’s always something.

This scenario has me fantasizing about the deep state willing itself into existence by necessity and a modern Cassius Chaerea emerging.

A lot of Republicans mistakenly thought Trump was done after Jan 6th. Once they realized his supporters(their voters) didn’t care they were right back on the bandwagon.

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