Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Boomers are genetically programmed to not vote for the Democrat, it’s like their core programming, it’s like those split brain patients that can’t see the car keys in their left visual field. I don’t think there’s anything you can do to win over people like Micki. She knows Trump is horrible but she has no other option. I’ll probably be the same way when I’m 80 and the Democrat is the guy who wants to eliminate democracy.

My daughter turns 18 before the election, so that’s a pickup of 1!


That’s not true about the boomers in my life who almost all passionately hate Trump. One exception is my boss who is Trump boomer, but so are many of my younger coworkers. In fact, there are a scary number of young people on the side of Trump, racism, and nationalism. I worry much more about these people than boomers

I also think one reason why boomers seem over represented among Trump supporters is that they are more likely to attend Trump rallies


In the 2020 election the % voting for Trump was a straight line up by age - every generation supported Trump more than the younger generations.

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The least discussed super impactful cause of this current shit show is Citizens United. John Roberts is a disgrace.


I have two potential problems with that cite…

  1. I don’t entirely trust exit polls, and

  2. Presumably there are more older people who vote than younger people. So the 44% of olds that voted for Clinton could outnumber the 58% of young people who did. That could explain my experience of why most boomers that I know hate Trump and would never vote for him

It’s far more likely that your (probably distorted perception of) your personal experience is not representative.

Yeah the boomer thing is a bit tongue-in-cheek, like in my case it’s more like a 50/50 split among the ones I know, but I live in NJ so it’s almost certainly more left-leaning than the national average.

My parents are silent generation and vote straight democrat other than the brief fixation with Reagan that everyone seemed to have in the 80s.

This could easily be true

What’s weird to me is older people (like my grandparents?) are sticklers for decorum. They expect dignity from the presidency. Isn’t this true of their generation as a whole? Or are they outliers?

I think he has until the 9th, so it’s not quite the eve, but this doesn’t sound like a guy who has the cash.

Depends on if we can a deadlier COVID variant that functions as a true boomer remover.

Trump Sneakers From Cracked - July ‘98


Based on the Pew Research poll, 50/50 is about average.

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Every generation is very diverse in their values. People make a lot of mistakes thinking in terms of homogeneous generations. In the real world, it’s not the case that all boomers are out of touch and all millenials eat avocado toast. But people love simplifying narratives so these things take hold.



just to be super clear, he didn’t say anything about superpacs

“Elon says…”

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True. And maybe he can co-sign a loan or whatever.

it will be journalistic malpractice if whoever this is (looks like the nytimes?) does not track this fucking potato head boomer down this time next year after trump has rammed through a bill removing social security and medicare and giving all the money to his kids.