Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Haley really just Dee from IASIP.


5 months in jail under the terms of his plea agreement.

well at least we got trump jail time in exchange for this guys soft sentence right?

Itā€™s probably about what Trump will get in the business records case, though probation is live. Most interesting remaining question in that case is whether his sentence will be stayed pending appeal.

5D chess by the Supreme Cart

It would be hilarious if this case just decided makes it so trump is actually ineligible. lol

If it were a criminal case, it would require more than a 2/3 supermajority to convict in a jury trial.

What is the standard is supposed to be? Did they just say itā€™s up to Congress in some bullshit legal language?

I guess it doesnā€™t really matter. Bottom line is we got our asses kicked. Time to move on.

The standard is whatever the court decides it is. The minority wanted to keep it as Schrodingerā€™s standard, only eliminating one possibility for what it is, while keeping alive the potential for it to be other than what the majority says it is.

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Emergency amicus episode nicely explains why SCOTUS is a total and complete fraud and political hack. They have one goal this term and thatā€™s to get trump elected.

Super rush to get him on the ballot. Super slow when it helps delay his criminal cases. Just naked open partisanship.

If anything, the decision on the CO case was really slow. Giving a decision on ballot eligibility the day before the election is crazy. The immunity case is frankly not that urgent.

You are objectively wrong. Listen to amicus. Itā€™s nonsense. They rushed this and slow played the immunity one. Itā€™s not a debate. Itā€™s just fact.

Didnā€™t they have to rush this because Colorado votes tomorrow?

Also, Iā€™m not saying they arenā€™t in the bag for Trump, but youā€™re making a claim. What would be their reason? A Trump presidency just figures to weaken their power

Yes in a world where the courtā€™s interest was the law they would have either taken up the case in December or quickly denied cert last month.

So if you are a normal citizen and went to jail for actions on j6, you can still run for federal office unless Congress takes a vote? Is that right?

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I could be wrong but Iā€™m interpreting the SC as saying you need that to remove someone who is on a ballot before conviction. Iā€™m guessing they would have no problem preventing an insurrectionist from getting on a federal ballot after conviction at the state level.

By state level, I mean where it would be prevented if unclear.

That Asshole Commodus | Histastrophe!


For federal office yes. They said itā€™s up to congress to decide who is on the federal ballots of all 50 states because reasonsā€¦

Cause congress rules the 14th today but a couple years ago SCOTUS couldnā€™t imagine anyone thinking the states donā€™t superceede congress when it comes to the 14th.

There is zero good faith logic in their decisions. Itā€™s just open naked partisanship. Everyone can stop looking for the legal,logic. Itā€™s doesnā€™t exist.

This decision is so dumb it argues congress meant it to take 2/3 vote to undo something is now takes 50% vote to enact. Just pure idiocy.