Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

A company or foreign entity that will reap far more than the price of the bond if he wins

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Maybe. It’s still a gamble. No one can reasonably be certain that Orange man is going to hold up his end of any deal.


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America has always been a stupid and brutal land. People came here and murdered all the natives and stole their land and got rich by using slaves and then got rich by exploiting the hell out of wage earners, a practice that continues to this day. All of the virtuous progress in our nation’s history has been the result of a struggle against mainstream opinion. The defining image of the United States is not the Washington Monument or the Liberty Bell; it is a strip of congested road just outside of town lined with fast food outlets and big box stores. That is quintessential America. To want to be better than we are is admirable, but to believe that we are better than we are is fatal to the ability to get a handle on why so many bad things happen here.

The burning desire to buy guns and shoot at brown people and drive big trucks and watch stupid TV shows and scream at football games and eat greasy garbage and tranquilize ourselves into constant oblivion—this is America, as much or more than anything written in the Bill of Rights is. It has always been thus. Donald Trump’s superpower is not his money or fame but the fact that he is the human embodiment of Stupid America. He does not have to try to channel this; it is his nature. To imagine, as many traditional political analysts do, that he can be damaged by pointing out that he is a bad guy is to make the same mistake that Brer Fox made when he flung Brer Rabbit into that briar patch. That is his comfort zone. Trump’s success can be seen as a crude measurement of the dominance of Stupid Power in the pantheon of powerful things. He is the political equivalent of saying “fuck it” and drinking twelve beers and blacking out and driving your car into the front window of a KFC. That little urge exists in the American mind. It is our birthright. Just because people put on clean clothes and go to church on Sunday morning doesn’t mean that they don’t feel the tingling urge to say “fuck it” on Sunday night. We did not get to be the world’s most dominant country by pure virtue and reason. We murdered everyone and bathed in their glorious blood. We flattered ourselves with fantastical fairy tales of our own heroism. Stupid Power thrives in stupid places. We opened the door for it the very first time we told our kids that we were the good guys. Until we fix that error, there’s no telling how far down the greasy pit of idiocy America is going to go.
(Stupid Power - by Hamilton Nolan - How Things Work


Racism plays a big role in America’s love of strip malls, box stores, drive thrus and suburban houses. They hate the government because the government helps minorities. They hate the city because that’s where black people live. They are even scared to try new foods.


uhh, it’s obvious the company or entity would have to commit crimes to get there. it might be attractive to a someone already in trouble, but usually half a billion is more attractive than being tied up in another insurrection

I thought the RNC might yolo it and put up the appeal $ for Trump, but I don’t think it has enough cash to pull it off even if it wanted to.

Why would they have to commit crimes?

because instead of paying back the bond, trmp the dictator will instead sell them another “opportunity”, lucrative beyond what they have already been promised.

Why can’t he just do something as president that will favorably affect oil prices for the Saudis, or militarily to help the Russians, or push thru regulations that will help a bank or someone like Musk? Definitely grift, but don’t see why it has to be illegal

so, you think russians will front him $450m for military aid to russia??? or just more holding up ukraine military aid? that is already happening for free by the gop caucus.

or the saudis will do the same for a few dollars in crude price at some date in the future? that’s also a very bad plan. the rest of the world is looking at a recession, and their demand dwarfs whatever dictator “trade-wars-are-good-and-easy-to-win” going to do.

yes, it would be illegal for a bank to make a personal loan in return for de/regulation, not to mention every other bank would absolutely revolt over this.

otoh, ok, i’ll put musk’s chances of floating half a billion to trmp at non-zero, (completely disregarding that musk isn’t that liquid) but whatever you think musk will recover from that relationship is definitely going to be illegal.

I just think there are enough people/countries/entities that want to see him president again enough to pony up the bond

I hope you’re right tho and he can’t raise it and gets his assets liquidated at pennies on the dollar


Don’t know what that means

Popular acronym for Mohammed bin Salman (Saudi Crown Prince)?

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Less likely, mortgage-backed securities

It’s also the airport code for Midland-Bay City-Saginaw in Michigan.

But yeah it’s the bone saw murdering crown prince.


its also responsible for the global financial crisis (Mortgage Backed Securities)

Hannity [lobbing a softball]: but you wouldn’t knowingly commit crimes, right?

Trump [video cameras everywhere. He knows he’s on tv]: if i felt like it, sure


I’d love to know what goes through the multiple Fox News hosts who have lobbed these softablls’ heads when he does this shit.

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