Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

It’s getting there. But still waiting for money to change hands

We know a year from now he will never have paid anything as we will repost the

Ah well tweet for the 400th time

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Who owns them though? Not DJT. Possibly not even the Trump Org. Isn’t it likely that the buildings are held in an byzantine arrangement of trusts and shell corps and such?

Or I’m totally wrong and his/the Trump Org’s name is actually on the deed. But I would think they would’ve spent the last couple of years making sure that wasn’t the case, even if it was before.

There is and will be a court appointed monitor in place to police all transactions

I don’t think a sexual assault took place with Franken.

This article says it comes to $454 million after factoring in interest. That 9% interest rate is a killer. Thanks Biden!

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Wake me up when he actually pays.

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I think that works out to like $1 billion metric dollars.


It’s the deposit rule in order to appeal that’s going to be interesting to see how it plays out.

Allegedly he has to put up the whole 434 or whatever in order to file an appeal. Typically like a criminal case, there are bond loans but only Saudi’s might find him.

Any publicly traded bank would be sued by shareholders immediately.


Wtf is a Grant Cardone? Dynasty rejected that name 40 years ago as too preposterous.

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Only need another 887,500 8,875,000 donors to hit the goal.

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It’s actually 8 million lol

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If I remember, the pictures where of him pretending to cop a feel on a sleeping reporter but not actually touching her. I don’t remember the other women claiming he was handsy during photo ops.

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I need a lawbro to explain how the judgment ever gets collected. All the shit he owns is in trusts and LLCs, like he probably has close to zero assets in his own name. I assume the answer is he never pays. Hopefully Melania ends up with nothing would be A+.


The LLCs were named in the suit and found liable. It’s actually easier to forcibly get money from a Corp than an individual, that’s why corporations are so worried about litigation.

They are going to dock his paycheck lol


This is what I think. I mean, I’m sure there’s a process that involves forensic accounting and more lawsuits and hearings and filings and court orders and contempt of court and in theory somewhere down the line somebody seizes an asset. But even if that seizure eventually happens he will be long since dead.

The only rich person I can think of who ever actually had to pay was Elon Musk for Twitter and that’s because he was up against similarly rich opponents.

This will just be endless hearings and appeals blah blah blah we’ve all seen this movie before.

This may be an upside to him getting reelected and on a salary again. Very funny if nothing else.