Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition


Kid on the left spent the last 30 minutes trying to explain imaginary numbers, but Don won’t stop writing an absolute 45

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trump uses imaginary numbers more than anyone


Yes but the kid was trying to show him the REAL imaginary numbers


Oh Jesus…the motherfucker learned how to spell. I don’t think he can be stopped now.


So sad for this Christian lawyer. I’m sure her tears are real.


Was about to post this. Absolutely get fucked. (Ellis, not JonnyA)

There is no way to justify this stream of guilty pleas and seemingly light sentences without Trump getting got.

[lol @ me for never learning]


That 5000$ fine and 50k in restitution is going to really hammer him where he feels it the most! We got him boys!


Yeah, like if all these plea deals raise the chance of Trump getting the book thrown at him from say, 90% to 98% or something, then it’s well worth it IMO. That said though, I’m still basically expecting him to get convicted of only the lightest stuff, wind up with like a $10M fine that he doesn’t pay, and two years of probation that he doesn’t even have to honor because he gets fucking re-elected, and nothing matters and everything is lol.


I would think Trump would have the coffee boy posts pre-written and ready to go by now.

I guess Trump is a little busy right now, listening to his lawyers raise bullshit objections. We need this to be on TV.

I guess I’m a little surprised at all the guilty pleas, because with a jury of 12 people, wouldn’t it be a good gamble that at least 1 of them is a MAGA lunatic ?

Trial is expensive and not worth the risk if you aren’t getting more than a slap on the wrist

I’d say there’s significant economic harm in pleading guilty in terms of their ability to earn within the MAGA ecosystem.

Ellis raised $200k based on fighting the weaponized woke justice system, and then turned around and cried like a baby in court.

I like this guy.


Im sure random MAGA cares about Jenna Ellis

She has a radio show. She needs to earn a living.

She was already on the outs with MAGA for supporting DeSantis. Clearly hitched her horse to the wrong candidate there.

Local to me and a couple of other New Hampshire fellas on here is one of the few guys that did legitimate time for the Bundy standoff in Nevada. He pleaded guilty and served 6 years in total.

The way that they spin it is that the corrupt deep state forced him to plead guilty, otherwise they would have gone after innocent people. He wasn’t actually guilty, just being a martyr to protect us.

And Kimball said DeLemus instructed him to reveal for the first time that the guilty plea was coerced by federal prosecutors.

“He told me that he was coerced badly. He said ‘my family was threatened.’ He said ‘I was told they were going to go after my family and my friends if I wouldn’t do this,’” Kimball said.

“He said, ‘I decided I would plea so they would leave them alone.’”

After everyone else walked in court, he then tried to withdraw his guilty plea, but whoops: no take-backsies.