Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

It could change his ability to travel on the campaign trail or at least create impediments

But it’s pure LOL to put a poll like this here where people openly admit they’ll just continue moving the goal posts in order to feed their perpetual outrage. He’ll never be indicted. If he gets indicted, it’ll never change anything. If something changes, he’ll never get convicted. If he gets convicted, he’ll never be incarcerated. Etc. etc. ad nauseum. I’ve lost a lot of respect for this forum. If things don’t change, it’s because too many people hold this whining, complaining, defeatist attitude. That’s how losers think and it’s no way to accomplish anything or affect change imo

Nope. Goal posts firm. He is not getting convicted or incarcerated.

Indictment is also unlikely but it’s not the lead pipe lock of the other two things.

I think you just don’t want to accept where the goalposts actually are.



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If he does get indicted, you have no basis for claiming he won’t get convicted. I mean, you just don’t!

The feasibility of housing a former POTUS in a 6x6 jail cell is currently unknown because it’s unprecedented. All of this is, which is why none of us have basis to form definite conclusions. But it’s accountability we should be after here. The question is, what should that look like? Would disqualification from holding office be enough? Would taking down everyone BUT Trump do it? Or does it have to be a 6x6 jail cell? The answer is that the goalposts are likely somewhere in between. But to say this or that is NEVER happening when every single indication is currently pointing in that direction is simply irrational and mostly likely born out of a defeatist need to be outraged

Yes, I do.

He’s going to need a unanimous jury. Not possible to make one devoid of MAGA idiots. So, he walks.

I feel like I’m debating religious fundamentalists here. You are making a claim without any precedent or evidence to back it up. There were enough jurors on the special grand jury in Fulton County to make multiple criminal referrals. There were enough jurors in NY to unanimously convict the Trump Organization. You cannot know what will happen until it happens. But there’s no arguing with people who just assert shit and pretend it’s fact without allowing for any possibility they could be wrong

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Sweet Summer Child’s posts come off less naive than Cactus posts. It’s incredible. Take a pause from rambling about shifting goal posts and realize that up until now, everyone else is right and you are wrong. Trump hasn’t been faced consequences for anything, ever. He came closer to stealing an American Presidential Election than most ever thought was possible and trampled on norms and laws for years while quite effectively changing politics in this country for the worse for decades to come, and he’s currently the favorite to win the nomination in 2024. We’ve seen articles and headlines for years about how THIS TIME, Trump is in REAL TROUBLE. Nothing matters. Nothing happens. Nothing changes. You’re playing a losing game here, because if any kind of real consequence ever comes to Trump for all his fuckery, you will just be the blind squirrel who finally found his nut. We all want it to happen just as much as you, we just figured out to stop playing football with Lucy a long time ago.


People who end up on juries mostly didn’t want to be there but they generally try to do a good job. I think Trump walks but the probability of a conviction isn’t zero.

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People feel like the evidence is so overwhelming that it would have happened by now if it was going to happen, that it should have happened while he was still in the White House. Do you deny that they’ve been told an indictment is imminent for years?

I do think think some Dems would rather have it all go away because they fear a confrontation over this leads to a constitutional crisis and the potential fall of the republic.

I get the feeling a lot of people want the process stuff to go on as long as possible because it gives the illusion of justice grinding away without having to face what might be dramatic consequences if he ever actually got what he deserves. They want him to collapse on his own, like an oliphant with a bazillion arrows in him. They don’t want Legolas up there drilling one into his brain.


I totally get that. It depends on who you listened to. Trump derangement syndrome has had a deleterious effect on societal dialogue to be sure. His very existence is so offensive to some (myself included) and his improprieties so voluminous, that the tendency is to harp on every one of them to the detriment of the overall cause. In fact, that’s his whole strategy and how he gets away with it. Say what you want, but he’s a master at deflection and creating his own headlines and entire news cycles by delivering a never ending barrage of offenses and lies. The media no sooner starts pinning down one lie or scandal and he creates 3-4 others to chase. It’s worked for him his entire life because focus on what really matters is lost

So to answer your question, yes. People have been saying Trump will be in jail any day now for the past 6 years. But I never took them seriously just as I didn’t take most of the Russian collusion stuff seriously. The focus wasn’t in the right place. I think the fault for this is a subject that could fill an entire library. But I never considered him to be anywhere near an arrest. Until now…

I’m sick of repeating myself, but people aren’t considering that he no longer has the powers of the presidency. All he has is the perception of power by blathering outrageous statements intended to induce fear and make his minority MAGA base seem more powerful than they really are. Once indicted, he loses much of his ability to control the narrative and he certainly doesn’t get to set the time table. There will be no more witnesses being able to dodge subpoenas, or string things along. Sure, he’ll have appeal processes and countless requests for more time, but things will move at a much quicker pace than we’ve been seeing

I also totally get the disappointment in Garland. Whether due to cowardice or incompetence, it is clear by now that he fucked up. The J6 committee did more in less time and with far fewer resources than the DoJ. I realize you start from the bottom and work your way up and that takes time. But he probably should’ve had two separate investigations going (one for the foot soldiers and one for the organizers). Alas, that didn’t happen and now it looks like nothing will, but we can expect Smith to wrap up soon and hand in his recommendation. With 4 different investigations honing in, each with seemingly overwhelming evidence that crimes were committed, I maintain that it’s simply illogical to conclude that nothing will ever happen and if nothing does, then we’ve already lost democracy


You’re starting to get it


It’s not merely about Trump, but a general sentiment that the rich and powerful almost never get punished and that Trump isn’t going to be one of the exceptions.


Illinois governor Blagojevich went to jail (in fact, didn’t a lot of rich white Illinois governors go to jail?). Martha Stewart went to jail. Bernie Madoff went to jail. But I get it… They all broke the golden rule: Don’t fuck other rich white people!

You’re not gonna get me to argue that there isn’t a two tier justice system and that there aren’t a different set of rules for rich white people. But maybe this is a beginning? You have to start somewhere. One thing’s for sure. We’re not going to get anywhere by waving our hands and saying nevertheless. That’s the epitome of a loser’s mentality. We have to be willing to fight

Just read what MCG posted a couple of times. That should cover it.

If your entire argument is


Then we’re probably not really that far apart.

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Do you have any reason to believe this is the beginning or is that just what you hope because the alternative is too depressing?

It’s become clear that dealing with such matters within the system isn’t working, which makes it seem like the best way to fight is to seek justice outside of the legal system and either achieve justice or scare the powers that be into conceding and allowing more actual justice to happen within the system.

What kind of question is this? There are FOUR investigations about to wrap up. One that we know for a fact a special grand jury has already recommended criminal indictments. Jesus Christ do you all live in some alternative reality?

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Lol stormy Daniels

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