Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Just the shame of being indicted is Very Serious!

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IOW, an endless series of goal post moving. If he gets sentenced, the complaint will be that it isnā€™t long enough. Whatever it takes to keep the outrage going. Gotcha. Seems like a pathetic and futile state to dwell in tho

This is true of the We Got Him Brigade as well though. Heā€™s gonna get got for sure, ā€¦ tomorrow, ā€¦ or next week, ā€¦, or next year.


You guys did come from a poker forum, right? You know about EV? I canā€™t imagine being 97% sure of something and not being willing to put an even money bet on it.

This made me think they are taking an IQ test WHILE running on a treadmill.

I am very much in favor of a combine for presidential candidates.

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I canā€™t picture Trump running. If he tries to do it while reciting ā€œperson, woman, man, camera, tvā€, thereā€™s a good chance he falls over.

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Throw them into MTVā€™s The Challengeā€¦ Trump answering trivia questions while suspended over a river and getting mocked by TJ Lavinā€¦ Cruz vs Desantis in an Oklahoma drillā€¦ Kamala Harris jumping off of an 18 wheeler onto a speeding muscle car? The real possibility that a dude named Johnny Bananas could be our next President?


Lmao. Trump has literally never been held accountable for anything. Ever. Thereā€™s a meme about it for christ sake and youā€™re dunking on people for being pessimistic. Scratch that, realistic.

$100 bet to charity DJT is not indicted on federal charges one year from now reply booked to book.


This is why a time limit was placed with the only person willing to put his money where is opinion is

I disagree that this is the same thing. Everyone is frustrated by the lack of accountability so far. Our legal system can be arduous and slow under normal circumstances. But this is truly unprecedented. Weā€™ve never had a criminal POTUS of this magnitude before. Thereā€™s no template for it

That said, there are multiple ongoing investigations. Criminal referrals have been made. The process is moving (albeit at a glacial pace) in the direction itā€™s supposed to. All roads point to an indictment being forthcoming at some point. Itā€™s the most logical conclusion and where the smart money should be imo

Iā€™m inclined to take it, but does it have to be federal charges? My only reservation is that Iā€™m not sure how an indictment in GA impacts the DoJ case

Yes federal because if GA or NY indict him heā€™ll just say fuck you right? I couldnā€™t find a good answer in my 5 minutes of searching. Fed indictment means he gets the cuffs on for sure.

My thing with the glacial pace of the process is that a big part of it is crossing all the Tā€™s and dotting the Iā€™s and making 100.0% sure the case is airtight, just because of how bad it looks if heā€™s acquitted. And I think thereā€™s a damn good chance that whatā€™ll happen behind the scenes is that they can only get it to 99.85% or something and are like ā€œwelp, Iā€™m not taking any chances with this, time to let it go.ā€

Blast from the past here, but does anyone remember that long 2p2 thread from some very analytical chess playing dude who absolutely refused to bet a dime of real $$ on online poker until he was absolutely completely certain of being a winning player, by playing all these trainers and simulators and setting a bunch of arbitrary goals for his win rate/ROI? He constantly posted about his progress, and eventually he achieved literally all of his goals except one, where he fell something like 2% below his target rate. For months everyone posted telling him to just go ahead and play penny stakes because he obviously would do fine, but he completely ignored them and just posted about his progress or lack thereof. In the end he just abruptly announced that because he fell short on that one simulator, he had officially decided he canā€™t be assured of being a winning player and basically he was done, never posted again. I can kinda picture Garland being like this with a potential Trump indictment.


I have zero confidence in Garland at this point, but 1000% heā€™s supposed to be federally indicted and I do think he will eventually be indicted on both the state and federal level

Booked! Deadline is midnight of 2/22/2024


They would have had to call 911 to rescue Donny from the deep state stair attack.

Losing $200 to cactus and iron81 would just be perfect :harold:


Fuck, I do that shit like once a week. I like that he did the little ā€œhurry upā€ steps right after. Heā€™s one of us.


I very much agree with all of this as being the reason things are going so slow. I also donā€™t think you can ever be 100% sure when dealing with a jury, so that doesnā€™t bode well. I do believe thereā€™s a good chance that Garland is a meek cowardly man who might not have the courage to pull the trigger making me much less confident about a federal indictment. I still think itā€™s >50% tho