Discussions About Theories of International Relations Such as Realism

As long as he means out of NATO and in Russia’s sphere of influence, I think that’s reasonable and I agree with him. The important thing isn’t NATO or not, it’s that being in NATO makes it impossible for Ukraine to be in Russia’s sphere of influence. I don’t really have an opinion on the extent of Putin’s imperial ambitions.

Biden was saying Russia was going to invade while Mearsh was saying they would not. That’s a big miss!

What does the kidnapping of at least 11,000 children have to do with keeping Ukraine out of NATO?

You create this perception that you are willfully ignorant about Putin’s imperial ambitions to avoid saying anything that might contradict your main argument, in the same way that one might see a Republican deny having seen something that Trump said to avoid taking a position.

How would I know what Putin wants? I’ve never even read a biography of the man.

Why would you not want to form an opinion about what he wants?

Wow that interview is amazing. He literally is taking everything Putin says publicly as his true intention, and lack of saying something publicly as evidence he did not have that intention.

He’s completely ignoring Putin said he had no intention to invade right before invading. Or the obvious doublespeak the Putin regime has been famously using basically since he came into power.


Because I don’t know enough to do so.

How can one know enough to speak on the Russian invasion of Ukraine without knowing something about Putin?

because one could have just watched a measchiemer lecture on youtube while at a holiday inn express and become an expert

Like I said, I don’t know anything about Putin’s imperial ambitions. If you think that disqualifies me from having opinions about the Ukraine war, well, fine with me. You can think what you like.

Lol I never claimed any expertise at all.

Knowledge is not a prerequisite for having an opinion. Willful ignorance makes it hard to view you as a critical thinker instead of an ideologue cherry-picking whatever arguments best support your goal.

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What mearsheimer said seems reasonable, Putin probably would restore greater Russia if he could, but he can’t.

i didn’t attribute any expertise to you. i crowbarred your opinion into a holiday inn express reference

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Oh, sorry, I misinterpreted this bit of your post

Yeah man that’s still a swing and a miss. I’ve never claimed to be any sort of expert on Ukraine, Russia, or international relations.

yeah, given my personal upbringing i can tell you know nothing about russia or its leaders. but you sure do love yourself some john m

Yeah John’s great!