Democratic Primary Debates


ok bloomer

Baiting Bloomberg into opening his mouth is a great strategy for Bern.

lol, this was BB’s first and presumably best shot? seems like a good sign for Bernie

First Lol Pete of the night.


Loving the Warren and Bernie side by side so we can watch him react in real time

Warren still soft peddling Sanders

Shut up, rat.

Interesting approach from Warren

Warren going at Bernie, a weak shot though

“Bernie’s team trashed me for it.”


counterpoint: they have the Republican party

Imagine Sanders vs Trump, just imagine

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also, fuck you GOPete

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Warren trying to piggyback Bernie’s support. Sorry Liz, it’s too late.

Pete: I will lull you to sleep

Pete never says anything it’s insane.


Pete couldn’t be more of a Manchurian Candidate.


Steyer gaslighting about Bernie wanting to take over the private sector. WTF.

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Bernie vs Trump sounds fucking awesome, wtf you talking about Pete??

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I will die on the hill of Steyer’s tie being great.

Grandpa Joe!