Sanders will run rhetorical circles around everyone on trade justice
but according to some, Bernie only ever specified an increase of the minimum wage errr
Biden ran out of juice there
My God lady stop cutting everyone off
liz decided she’s just gonna talk faster
Biden really slowing down. Needs a timeout bad so I expect a commercial break to get some uppers into him.
Warren’s pretty good on the procedure, Sanders is good on the pathos.
This Moderator
My professional crime-junkie girlfriend has decided that this moderator is a closet serial killer.
This is a perfect encapsulation of them.
beating trump/healthcare/climate is the order in polls
How is it that the reporter from the local newspaper has been doing 100% of the moderating for the last 20 minutes? Is Wolf ok?
How did steyer not get cut off there? Seemed like a long answer.
Just got in. From the comments I take it that this is been horrible so far?
Horrendous lol
oh boy
oh no here we go
Here we go…