Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I just went long on some Cuomo shares to win the nomination. Dude is 100% auditioning and Biden is going to step aside before the convention.


Now I don’t think there is much of a secret about it now. Bernie deserves the blame for losing. This was an incredibly winnable campaign and he had a ton of resources to win it. The stuff coming out like he didn’t want to go hard against Biden like he did with Hilary because he likes Joe seem ridiculous on it’s face… but almost reasonable if you watched the campaign.

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How good would that be for the progressive agenda in this country?

Don’t really know that much about him.

Bernie is raising millions for virus relief. Joe has spent the last week trying to figure out how a livestream works, or something.

Did you donate or volunteer for Bernie? Do you personally want him to win?

Maybe I’ve just been distracted with other news, but when was the last time Biden was in public?

Tuesday when Jill has to grab him off the stage. Before that it was the debate. However, symone “go on msnbc to tell people it’s alright to vote during a pandemic” Sanders has this message

It’s a thumbs up on a insta live stream. That she probably did from her phone a second before tweeting. Lol gg Biden


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I voted for him. Did not donate or volunteer.

cool. thanks for answering and for supporting. i agree he should have gone harder. can’t stand hearing it from people who never supported him tho. i usually comfort myself by saying “the person who became the only non-ghoul in congress probably can’t go hard for the throat by design”

I wish he would have though. I bet the ‘bernie bro’ narrative cowed them a bit. They probably felt that him being perceived as ‘mean’ would be tied into the online supporter toxicity angle and sunk him. I’m frustrated because he had Biden on the ropes a couple of times in the debate and he let him off the hook. It sucks.


Conspiracy theories that Biden is no longer with us and I choose to believe them.

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Oh yeah. Biden was finished. I think if Bernie came closer in South Carolina, it’s a different primary.

Odds he has COVID?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still feeling the Bern but to not anticipate attacks against socialism was pretty tragic. I feel like his handlers were not very good for whatever reason. Ultimately on the battlefield of ideas, one needs to explain themselves concisely and directly with soundbytes that don’t lead ones-self into a death trap. It’s not a deathtrap to say Amazon paying no taxes is socialism. It’s not a deathtrap to say that the military, police and the invention of many things like medicine and the internet are socialism. People can appreciate that its ok for many of the profit from these things being privately consumed but not all of it. People understand Amazon is basically Walmart and those people should pay some taxes.

Bernie always allowed himself to be put on the back foot instead of attacking people’s ideas. These same people cooped his ideas, watered them down, and organized establishment attacks against him. Many of them, Biden, Kamala and Pete included, were papertigers who would not stand up against scrutiny. Obviously a lot of very smart well funded people were involved in defeating Bernie, but a lot of it was his own fault for not concisely defending his ideas.


Oh yeah, his canned answer for HOW ARE YOU GONNA PAY FOR IT was terrrible

Having a good answer for that was fucking key

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Cuomo’s your garden variety centrist Dem. He looks good during a crisis, but will do whatever the establishment wants and is beholden to special interests like the rest of them. He cares very much about his image and trying to seem progressive and will go the way the wind blows.

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Would Cory Booker be a decent comparison?

I didn’t see Biden after Tuesday but he looked terrible and clearly sick during the debate imo.

Ok, so apparently @JohnnyTruant isn’t the crazy one, I am.

What was the canned response I must’ve missed?

exactly, that’s why he’s a HUGE VALUE at $0.01