Democratic Primaries 2020 - A thread for actual primary news

NYT-endorsed Klobuchar and Warren are tied with Sanders in their own latest poll, after combining their support and accounting for the MOE. Huge!

In all seriousness though, this is pretty freaking epic. Bernie has the momentum at the absolute perfect time. I’m predicting he gets near half the delegates out of Iowa.


No offense, but I think Pete supporters aren’t in a good position to comment on other people’s candidates doing less than seemly stuff to win.

There’s zero doubt in my mind that Pete would looooove to have the Rohan endorsement.

King Theoden seems more like a Biden supporter…


Normally I’d edit that out… but this is funny so I’ll leave it. Posting with your phone is great lol.


Ok what did Bernie do to appeal to the incels and racists? Has he been saying racist shit? Saying women owe men sex? Has he been wearing his LAX jersey and pounding natty to earn the votes of these bros?

Because Pete isn’t just trying to get middle of the road voters to agree with his progressive agenda, he is crafting his agenda to actually, you know, BE middle of the road.

The argument was never “these lame moderates like Pete, ergo he sucks”. It was “Pete IS a lame moderate”.


LOL at anybody still thinking undecided middle of the road voters actually exist.

Blackwomenviews? Yeah it’s wild.


That’s the one you meant though right?

The POC-Centrist rabbit hole is deep. Only relatively recently did I discover how much so.



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I think we can deduce from these results that Pete is literally four times more popular than Bernie and should win Iowa easily

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goofy, it looks like we’re gonna need another thread!

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Is the question why these two things are not equivalent?

A. Selling out previously stated progressive values to become a corporate attack dog against M4A and the right to health care for all Americans in a freaking WINE CAVE with Billionaires who made their profit off privatized health care.


B. Not compromising one inch on any of the progressive values he’s established over a lifetime of fighting, and welcoming disaffected voters to join his movement on the quality of those progressive values and the authenticity of his arguments for them.

Using the word “appeal” for both of these is a dubious comparison. One is taking money and compromising on values, going wherever the highest bid takes him. The other is holding firm on his values and appealing through authenticity, consistency of track record, and convincing people on the quality of those ideas and values.

(I got baited didn’t I?)


I mean I’m not sure how the two thread thing is supposed to work. Like we post a piece of news, but the inevitable petty discussions around each piece of news take place in a different thread? Seems like the old one was fine.


I’m looking at it like if you attack a candidate itt on policy then it’s allowed…

Personal attacks can be for the other thread… I hope :thinking:

What could go wrong?

Should I recognize more than a handful of those names?

I count at least 6 state/county level Maryland elected officials in the credentials committee, which seems pretty weird. What do these people do?

There being Trumpers on 2p2 kept the Bernie v Hillary war from doing this.

Sounds like someone needs an edgelord badge.