Democratic Presidential Primary Poll: Week of Oct 20th-26th

Why are there 13 more voters in the 2nd choice poll? Come on people, don’t be shy.


I see 42 votes for the first poll and 40 for the second.

Apparently a load bug. The second poll live updated, but the first didn’t.

Biden currently behind Gabbard in Unstuck support.

Would love to see as many people as possible, regardless of supported candidate vote in these polls. The more users we get to participate, the more informative this will be over time.

Folks should put up their ranked choices as well, I’d for sure be interested in seeing people’s complete lists.

  1. Yang
  2. Tulsi
  3. Bernie
  4. Warren
  5. uhhhhhhhh GOPete I guess?
  6. Jesus christ do I have to…Castro
  7. fuuuuuuuuuuuck…Klobes? She seems nice!
  8. Booker?
  9. Other
  10. Other
  11. Other
  12. Beeto
  13. Steyer
  14. Joe 30330
  15. Harris

Here’s my ranking of people polling at RCP > 2% only:

  1. Bernie
  2. Warren
  3. Yang
  4. Harris
  5. Beto
  6. Pete
  7. Biden

Yeah I received the sticker. I’m a sucker for the stickers I donate to Bernie and Warren each time they have a new sticker. Just need to make sure the address in your actblue profile is up to date

  1. Warren
  2. Bernie
  3. Pete
    wide gap
  4. Person polling best against stable, since that’s sleepy so be it

I’d probably rank it somewhere along the lines of:

  1. Warren, by far
  2. Harris, just because I really want a woman to beat Trump, even if she only ranks third in my ranking of Kamalas
  3. I guess Pete or Bernie tied here
    4 through whatever: everyone else ranked by how much I think Wall Street hates them - the more the better
    Last: Tulsi the Russian asset

Actually Tulsi recently beat out Biden at the very bottom of my list.


  1. Warren
  2. Yang
    looooong drop but the above two are basically tied. Warren is #1 basically because she’s polling ahead and I wouldn’t throw away a primary vote on Yang unless he actually has a shot to win by the time it gets to Texas. If I was called for an official national poll at this point I’d snap say Yang to boost his numbers. Warren is doing fine without me lol.
  3. Castro
  4. Booker
  5. Bernie
  6. Klobuchar (We’re way down into ‘please got don’t let this happen’ now)
  7. Beto
  8. Klob
  9. Steyer
  10. Pete
  11. Biden
  12. Tulsi
    The rest who thank god aren’t even going to make the November stage.

Pete used to be in 3rd, but I’ve already detailed widely in this thread why he fell. He’s definitely living at the bottom of the Marianas Trench in the Biden/Tulsi tier now. I’ll vote for him over Trump, which is about as much as I can say for Biden/Tulsi.

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I don’t know the nationality of every poster, but it’s pretty noticeable that there are many more non-US people (me included) picking Bernie than are picking Warren. I’m wondering if that’s because to Euros/Canadians Bernie isn’t nearly as radical as he appears to US voters.

How many of the US posters who picked Warren are doing so because they think she has a better chance of beating Trump and/or actually enacting her policies than Bernie does with his policies?



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For me it’s 100% about execution. I’m fine with most of Bernie’s policy positions (except for the jobs guarantee which I think is one of the dumbest ideas anyone is throwing around in either party). I think Warren is dramatically more likely to be a strong executive than Bernie basically. I think she’s a much better organizer and much better at actually getting things done.

To be clear I weight executive ability almost if not more highly than policy positions. I rank Yang and Warren extremely highly on both metrics which is why they are at the top. Most of the rest are at least good at 1/2 but kind of blah at the other side.


1a. Warren
1b. Sanders
2. Yang
3. Harris
4. Booker
5. Pete
6. Beto
7. Castro

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How would you rate Obama’s executive ability? I say that as someone who thinks that Obama’s executive ability is actually pretty high, and yet he seemed to get very little done domestically (at least in his second term).

Uh, misclick in second poll. DO NOT WANT BIDEN.

  1. Warren
  2. Sanders
  3. Any of several except the Russian asset lady

I don’t think it’s reasonable to blame Obama for that. The filibuster was the primary reason his first term stalled and after that he was dealing with Mitch McConnell who frankly wasn’t interested in getting anything done.

I rank Obama as a 10/10 political candidate and a 6/10 executive. His policy ideas were fine. I think his place in history was being the Democrat the GOP decided to declare full blown political war on and I don’t think he had many good options. Most of my critiques of Obama come from him not violating more norms to damage the GOP and not doing enough to ensure they were punished for their political choices electorally. He wasn’t very good at the ‘leader of the party’ part of his role and mostly neglected it in favor of running foreign policy.

I think it’s hard to say where he’s going to rank in the history books in 50 years. I think it’s easy to say that Trump will probably be the WOAT and quite possibly the death of the current iteration of the GOP.

To be clear I think Warren is an 8/10 or 9/10 candidate at best (so not as good as Obama) but very possibly is going to be an FDR like political force once in office. She’s not a very nice person and is widely feared in Washington. There are times when that’s exactly what you need.

We’re in a political war and we have superior resources. I think of this political moment like the Civil War in the US. We (to be clear I identify strongly with the Union, and not just because my great great and great grandfathers both fought for them) were losing the war dithering around trying to be clever until we moved Grant over from the Western Theater to fight Lee. Then what followed was a brutal war of attrition where the side with the most men and guns systematically crushed the Confederacy. That’s what we need to do to the GOP. It’s time to stop being clever and just attack them. Every day. No compromise and no respect paid whatsoever to norms. We do what’s legal to do. All of it. We come at them like they’ve been coming at us day after day until they collapse.

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I largely agree about Obama. I just wonder when it comes down to it whether Warren is really more likely than Bernie to violate political norms. I know he seems more reluctant to nuke the filibuster, but it seems incredible that Warren (who I like a lot btw) is actually going to be more radical in her approach to dealing with the GOP bullshit than Bernie is.

I’m not worried about Bernie trying to do stuff… I’m worried that he has shown very little skill over his career at actually executing anything. The reality is that he has virtually no bills he actually ever got done despite writing a great many of them… and he lost to HRC in the 2016 primary. I don’t care if she cheated, she was massively incompetent and lost to a black guy the previous time around (yes I realize he was Barrack Obama an insanely gifted candidate… but she also started with just about every advantage a candidate could have). Bernie is very good at messaging and moving the overton window but I don’t think anyone has ever pointed out a point to me where he was ever the driving force in getting something done. Honestly Warren has had more actual RL accomplishments as a politician than Bernie in her much more limited time and I think that’s very telling.

I like Bernie fine as a person, but I think his role in politics is to be the voice in the wilderness. I’ve got nothing against that, I just don’t think that skillset translates well. Warren on the other hand is all nuts and bolts and specifics… and she’s legitimately both respected and feared by other Democrats as well as Wall Street, the Healthcare Lobby, and the Tech lobby seem to see her as a huge threat. I actually trust their scouting reports on her. I think she’s a huge threat for them and I love that lol.