Democratic Presidential Primary Poll: Oct 27-Nov 2

I think this is probably wrong on its face, but it’s short term thinking.

It took the hard right decades of organising political pressure structures necessary to push their ajenda successfully at a national level, while those structures on the left atrophied. If what you want is long term policy change, Bernie is the only one working at building any sort of organization capable of putting pressure on the political elite to make changes in the interest of the working class in this country.

Thinking Warren is sameidh because she has similar policy positions ignores the political reality that almost none of it is gonna get done this term, even with the WH and Senate. Its gonna take decades and constant political pressure. Bernoe seems to be the only one who is preparing for that.

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It’s now so close that Liz is winning both first and second choice polls.

I temporarily switched my third place vote to Biden just to make sure the button next to his name is functioning. Bad news, Joe, it is. You’re just polling at 0.0% on Unstuck.

This kind of says it all to me:

All I’m seeing is Bernie fully erect while Biden and Trump can’t get it up.

Warren at least has a semi-chub.

I think even if we had 8 polls going out to 8th place, he’d still be at 0.0%

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We can only hope enough other primary voters actually do their research. Look if you’re actually a moderate that’s fine… there are tons of better options in this field than Joe Biden.

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Fuck yeah

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Would it be possible for the next one of these also to include an age-range poll, by decade born?

I’d bet like 75% of this forum was born in the 80s so not sure how useful that would be.

No way. Lots of people born in the 70s.

The way he went hard for getting rid of the criminal statute against illegal immigration in the first debates stuck out to me. It suggests he actually thinks about human rights in a way most of the candidates don’t.

That was good, but on board for decriminalizing border crossings: Booker, Mayor Pete (though he criminalizes re-entry), Castro, Harris, Messam (?), Bernie, Sestak (?), Steyer, Liz, Marianne.

Temporarily(???): Yang - what up Yang gang?

No: Biden, Klobes, Beto (not really so Punk Rock!)

no comment: Tulsi

lol rounding so that fucking DINO can come in and piss in the well while adding nothing substantive