Debating the necessity of nuking Japan

Maybe letting Japan surrender and keep the military was the right answer? A lot of really bad outcomes become the right thing to do if the other option is killing 200,000 men, women and children.

Probably not, doing such a thing has a higher likelihood of more deaths down the road for countries that don’t feel they will be held fully responsible for their actions

Maybe. But I know the racist psychopaths making these decisions weren’t weighing the civilian deaths as much as they should have.


It is absolutely amazing how the progressive left completely denies history to fit their ideological priorities, and this thread is a perfect encapsulation of this.

The horrible racist war crime shit that Russia is doing right now is child’s play compared to what Japan was doing during WW2.

But this isn’t convenient to progressive ideology which states that only the white man is capable of evil, and everyone else is a perpetual victim and has no agency. So we just hand waive that part if it away, and make up some alternate history Japan was a victim that was trying to surrender but the evil white man wouldn’t let them.

Maybe the Japanese people don’t have a big of a problem with the bombing as you all do is that unlike your racist asses they actually believe Japan had agency, chose to do evil things with that agency, and paid the price for it, and have done their best since to atone and seek redemption.

In your racist worldview everyone else is just a child victim and not capable of agency, evil or redemption. But maybe the Japanese people actually view themselves as humans with agency and don’t share this worldview.

Japan’s war crimes have little bearing on whether the use of nuclear weapons was justified

Shocking that you’ve misrepresented a couple people’s arguments and then turned that into the entire progressive left.

Sup Kel. You here to bring down the system from within?

Kel has always had an odd fascination with Japan.

Yes. How am I doing so far?


Well I agree that we really need the help of Godzilla given the current climate catastrophe I just wonder if there is a better way to do it than nuking Japan again.

You’re in luck, there is! Godzilla was created by postwar testing in the Pacific.

I have always been a huge fan of imperial Japan. But I wouldn’t necessarily call myself on the “left” I’m more of a socially-liberal, fiscally-conservative type.

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It’s absolutely relevant to the question of if anything but a complete surrender and occupation was an appropriate end to the war, which means it has bearing. If Japan didn’t do those things, a complete surrender wouldn’t have been necessary.