Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends

It asked me 30 questions before it gave up. I picked handicap spot.

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It seems to be a bit worse than I remember. The handheld game was insanely good at guessing correctly in 20 or fewer questions.

Yea its outdated haha. It asked me if it ate cheese. I was like wtf that’s not even close to being close.

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nails it


I mean with that question it eliminated everything that eats cheese…

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only morons see adds online


Completely different technologies. The 20 questions game is an expert system, which has nothing to do with any of the ML models being used for ad targeting or video recommendations. Except that in both cases, an engine is produced, and potentially updated periodically (like daily for the recommendations engines), and it just accepts the current session input data and spits out an answer.

For the recommendation algorithms, the various data about you from your current session cookies and your previously saved data in your anonymized profile on the server are the inputs, and the previously built/trained model pops out a set of recommendations very quickly. Critically, and distinguishing it from expert systems, the new data from all sessions/users is used to retrain the model for the next day/period.

In the ad case, there is also the part about the auction for your eyeballs, where Google/FB selects the ad that makes them the most money (ad decisioning :face_vomiting:) . That might be the 4 billionth insurance ad that they have to fulfill for that hour, or it might be a more targeted and expensive ad based on your profile’s preferences, demographics, and current session cookies.


23 to get Hula Hoop. Not bad

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My YT ads are all for solar.

YT is awesome.

Update, we got a post-election text from one of the Trump supporters, enjoy!

“I think all will be well. After 4 years of berating the president; of boycotting his inauguration; of claiming he was illegitimate, of disrespecting the Americans who voted him into office; of slandering him continuously for four years; of claiming there was overwhelming evidence of his misdeeds but presenting no evidence; of impeaching him on the most nonsense of charges just to show they could; of most of the “press” shamelessly lying about him for four years. Of established social media demonstrating blatant bias against him and trying to call it fact checking, of disrespecting the Americans who voted for and lawfully elected him (Oh,did I say that already. That’s the really important part); and a host more disrespect of the president and a substantial number of American; I heard Joe Biden say he’s going to be an includer and “heal” our nation and help even the people who didn’t vote for him. So I think it’s going to be OK. I was worried but now I’m not. It will be almost as good as if Hillary had actually won in the first place. I think it was all just a misunderstanding. You’ll see. I feel better already and Joe Biden hasn’t even taken office yet. Now that’s leadership.”

Good news: this guy probably won’t be joining parler.

Bad news: apparantly he’s been living in an alternate reality the last 4 years.


YouTube is currently broken thanks UP



My whole Wednesday night is blown ffs.

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I don’t recall it having options beyond yes or no. I’m sure that played a role because it does suck a lot.

Just find a picture of a woman and imagine that all of your problems are her fault. That should more or less replicate the experience of streaming YouTube alt right garbage for 5 hours.


Pretty weird but nearly every deplorable I know hasn’t posted anything political on their SM feed about the election since PA was called.

I figure that they’d be out in full force talking about election rigging. Either they’re keeping it on the DL or have accepted the results.

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Yep noticed that as well. I guess they all went to Parler.

The libs talked about it being time to stop using FB for years and did nothing. The Trumpkins found something else in like a week.


Didn’t go down the rabbit hole too much but read there was some sketchy money behind it, like Dan Bongino is clearly lying about being the financial backer of it for some reason?

Anyway that is my unifying theory of politics… the right wing rich guys use their money efficiently and effectively to shape the world as they want it.

The left-wing rich guys…oh yeah, there are no left-wing rich guys.

Exactly, left wing rich guy isn’t going to slay the beast that created him. Zuckerberg is a “left wing rich guy.”