Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends

When do you think this country was united before? The only time in my lifetime that the country was semi united was after 9/11

This 100%.

Give a monkey cabbage, he’s happy. Give two monkeys cabbage, they’re both happy. Give one monkey cabbage and the other monkey grapes - the cabbage monkey goes into a rage and throws his cabbage back at you.


Shit, my mother’s shook. We have an unspoken agreement not to post about politics on each other’s Facebook pages and she is very much breaking it by commenting on my posts.

I mean Jesus Christ she’s leaving herself wide fucking open for trolling but I’m not sure if trolling my mother in public on Facebook is a good look.

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do it for the other people reading.


If I hated my mother, I’d do it.

Perhaps other Facebook friends will jump in. Either that or she’ll come to her senses and delete the comments.

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Just go with a non-trolling, truthful response. The truth is on your side here. If she wants to break the agreement, I don’t think a non-trolling truth bomb is that severe punishment.

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Facebook friends have been taking care of that.

She’s very Trumpian in her approach. Posts bullshit but never defend it when called out. Just moves on to post more bullshit.

To me being “human” is respecting my parents as people enough to care to correct them. It may be different if your parents are super close to death or frail or whatever but I challenge my parents’ stupidity and prejudice specifically because I give a fuck about them. I don’t correct the average Trumpkin or admonish a crazy person on the subway.

If they’re engaging in political debate on a digital public square like your facebook page they’re opening themselves up for respectful but honest criticism.


These 2 posts are completely unrated. The first one i replied to. The 2nd one is my BIL. His post is just a normal Facebook post.


I used to do that. Did it regularly prior to the 2016 election.

She neither responded to acknowledge the correction nor defend what she said. She never changed her mind and continued voting Republican, something she has done throughout her entire life.

Some people are far too gone. The last time I pushed her was when child separation became a thing. Thought that’d change her mind but nope. My sisters figured it out earlier than I did.

That’s why I keep it respectful and hope some of the audience reading it is getting the benefit. I was raised to “keep it all in the family” and am slowly starting to recognize how unhealthy that is.

Got some great news tonight. Apparently my dad has moved from FNC to Newsmax which I can only assume is one step away from 4th Reich News. Oh joy.


I had never heard of Newsmax until today when youtube recommended me a bunch of their videos. Looked like a bunch of right wing propaganda and fake news that right wingers will think is real. It was recommended right along side traditional main stream news like ABCnews, CBSnews and Foxnews.

Democracy is doomed and social media is to blame.


JFC youtube sucks so fucking bad. I have them as much more damaging than twitter and FB.


Agreed. I mean you can literally go from some innocuous shit to Nazi propaganda in like 4 - 5 recommended videos.


Yeah it’s facebook then youtube then twitter for me. This is not because I think youtube is better than you do… I just hate Zuck that much.

it might be easier to accelerate towards rock bottom than trying to slow it down. like at this point my deplorable is consuming gru misinformation before it filters to newsmax or even infowars.

yeah, blocking recommendations and only watching subscriptions is the bare minimum for consuming utubz nowadays.

YT is pretty bad. I like watching homesteading videos but often end up on hard-core right wing militia prepping channels if I just let them scroll through.