Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends

Stuff like that is 100% mainstream and frankly standard among Republican voters. Even now the media pretends they are a small minority. It is infuriating because the myth of reasonable republicans drives the endless insistence that Democrats magically find common ground with insane people.


100% this. That is bog standard Republican voter talking points. They are the party of insanity and conspiracy theories now.


This is why I made a reference in one of the other threads to Denazification after WW2 (and promptly got WELL ACTUALLIED, never change UP). I stand by the idea that OK fine talk about healing the nation but part of that healing is to treat Trumpers like Nazis and drive them into the shadows where they belong. I want trials for all the criminals in the Admin. I want sanctions on Facebook for spreading hate speech. No concessions.


This is making the rounds


Kidnapped governor plots and beheading wishes tho.


Yup. I’m sure we will see more violence too. At least a little.

If someone choked Trump out in the middle of the street, they might have a point.


Burning down trailer parks isn’t as easy.


My Trumpy cousins are posting about 2022 and 2024 and how they are going to take america back.

I just replied, “what if you’re better off then?”

I don’t expect an answer.


Haven’t heard from any of the deplorables I know since before Election Day. Think they’re trying to come to terms.

My mom called me today, something she does rarely, I looked at the call and was like, yeah, no, not today, fuck you.


I don’t know how you all deal with it. Godspeed. I’m fortunate to have basically no Trump relatives. All parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, first cousins, are for the good guys.

The only Trumpers I’ve heard of in the extended family are people that I’ve had maybe 3 or 4 real interactions with my whole life.

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I hope i can go into work Monday because is going to be fun…

There were two Trumpers in my immediate family. They both died during his presidency. I never interact with any of the Trumpers in my extended family, ever. Feels good man.


What they really want is for someone else to be worse off than them, so if their lives get better but some (real or imagined) black/gay/immigrant person improves by more they will still be outraged.


“Destroy” isn’t really the right word. It’s more like if they want to have these insane beliefs and denials of reality then they don’t get to fully participate in society. If they want to access the benefits of society then they need to adhere to some basic rules - no hate speech, no institutionalized racism, etc. This isn’t really too much to ask. Rights need to come with responsibilities for society to function. A big problem with the US is that huge swaths of the population have come to believe that the world owes them all these rights but they owe the world absolutely nothing. Not even taxes to pay for the public services they consume. It’s absurd.


This is what I am proposing, really. Too much “heal the nation” and “unity” talk will undermine this and the US will be right back to fascism in no time.


A critical step will be a huge public campaign to remind people what Freedom of Speech actually is. I would say the vast majority of Americans have gotten comfortable with the idea that defamation doesn’t count if its political which is insane. Basically the law needs to catch up with technology. These problems aren’t unknowable and unsolvable.


In the last free election the NSDAP got 33% of the vote. The Social Democrats and the Communists got a combined 37%. To say 100% were Nazi supporters is completely wrong.


The election in March 1933 wasn’t free anymore but at least allowed other parties. The subsequent “elections” only had NSDAP and approved candidates. It’s easy to get 99% if you are the only party on the ballot.