Dealing with aging parents

Maybe this will be a class thing. Working class families having all sorts of problems supporting parents. While at the same time we get a new generation of 40 something failsons who inherit multi million dollar homes.

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Most likely yes given the reasons mentioned. Probably much better for the environment too.

The one thing I noticed growing up in rural America as a teen and now living in a European city is that Americans have way too much space in their homes and way too much land per person.

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And there is still a shit ton Of land available. It’s what ‘Merica is all about.

Got to want to live in Wyoming though. Ick.

Yeah I’ve had to help my mom purchase a house and probably give her around 1-2k a month currently. She has had a rough time keeping jobs, and got murdered by the '08 recession

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Most of the cost savings mentioned come from sharing a single residence, versus sharing a single building which contains two completely separate homes.

From now on everything is K shaped. There’s no more room in the diminishing returns of capitalism for a rising tide. Gotta make sure you’re still on the / side.

The Russian XO in hunt for Red October wanted to go to Montana. Close enough.

I’ll give a hot take and say that one of the main reasons that America has been more successful economically in the past is that our society encourages kids to go out on their own/live apart from their immediate family while others don’t.

You sound like a BLM Marxist trying to destroy the nuclear family

The externalities and even some of the sticker price of continuously bringing your comforts to Wyoming is really high

Would really only work to just fill in already (sub)urbanized areas with more density.

yeah, i’ve looked into it. you can live within wy and be within 50mi of SLC and to a lesser extend FortCo, but that’s it.

Don’t put those two together.

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Damn this thread is making me feel very fortunate.

Boomers: pretending not to be selfish and nihilistic

Gen X: celebrating selfishness and nihilism

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Don’t give your boomer parents money. I know it seems heartless but Jesus Christ they had every possible advantage and were shitty parents and remain irrationally judgmental and entitled and fuck ‘em. Like they will literally cash your check and babble about what you’re doing wrong in your life the same fucking day. Took me about a decade of therapy and near death to get over their bullshit.

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My Dad is actually older than Boomer, and more liberal than I am. He’s basically a starving poet who’s always worked subsistence-level jobs and lived very cheaply.

He worked until he was 75 and would probably be still working at 82 now if I hadn’t offered to make up his shortfall from Social Security. It was my idea. He was working as a handyman at old folks homes where he was older than some of the residents.

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One thing about helping out parents. It takes a lot of time away the relationship.

I go around every sunday for a meal. The last few weeks it’s been 90% admin. Very little time to chat.

Weve sorted out his credit card. Hes now no longer going to use it online at all (hes agreed). Let’s see if that sticks.

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Two updates for my dad.

Both kind of funny and sad.

Exhibit 1.

He’s been washing dishes with green body wash.

Exhibit 2

It’s my birthday today. He relies in his calender like the guy in memento uses his tattoos.

He seems to have hallucinated that I was picking him for a birthday party, which I then stood him up for.

I only saw the message about 5 hours later


Happy Birthday.