COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

i was at two family functions last week. last one everyone was vaccinated although the most hesitant was the grandma who didn’t get boosted yet. she feared the side effects would be severe for someone her age.

the other function had a couple that has apparently refused to get vaccinated on ideology and spent entirely too much time talking about mandates for going to a store in nyc. i basically walked away thinking that shopping in person rather than online/curbside is way too important to them.

Yeah that’s what I found but I did find something saying it had some sort of amended approval? I’m post night shift trying to flip back quickly so I might have missed something


Oh shit my pony got Covid in another thread


Be careful if you need to be back somewhere!

These were poker trips, lmao. He’s sitting there putting in 5-6 figures in action with the mostly deplorable gang and comes back with this spicy take couched as news, what a fucking hack


Just curious, what part of his statement do you believe isn’t true?

Silver went to KC and Miami for poker?

I mean it hasn’t hit rural areas quite as much as cities yet, right?

It’s probably true that the people he was seated with at the high stakes poker table didn’t give a crap about the pandemic. Did he talk to anyone else? Personally I know a few people in Vegas who weren’t super hot about being forced into work the last month. This tweet is extremely misleading in that people might actually think he was there to do a journalism rather than play high stakes cards with a bunch of mostly deplorables.

Not sure about Kansas City but he definitely played at the Hard Rock in the Florida trip

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KC has a big PLO game

Nate’s really projecting here with this “some coastal media guys sure are out of touch!” routine. Like, no shit rural America isn’t taking COVID seriously, the rest of us didn’t need to go on a poker road trip to learn this.


Garrison outdoes himself labeling “fear”.


The NFL is now saying the data suggests that asymptomatic boosted don’t spread the virus. Of course they have an incentive to say this. And given it’s the NFL you can’t really trust the players on whether or not they’re symptomatic.

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Lots of people in KC are freaking out about Omicron, my Dad included. My friends here are all curtailing going out or any socializing before hanging out with their old family members over Christmas.

Of course the same people who blithely held Christmas gatherings last year like covid wasn’t a thing (my Mom’s family) aren’t going to care about Omicron.

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So what’s the official unstuck count at this point?

I can only think of d10 and one other person (whom I’ve forgotten).

Lawnmower man.


So here’s the unofficial unstuck pozzed list after zizkak setting o/u

Everyone feel free to add:

Pozzed Unstuckers after 12/21/2021

  1. Lawnmower Man
  2. d10

I’ve got something going on, but I don’t know what. And with tests in short supply, I’m not sure if I’m ever going to know. So I had a sore spot in my throat. It felt like it was just a spot being irritated by nasal drainage, but its a symptom I’ve had at the beginning of common colds many times. I kinda washed the sore spot away with some hot tea, but it still doesn’t feel totally right. But its not getting worse. Normally, a very runny nose will kick in at about the same time that the sore throat goes away but that hasn’t started yet.

So do I have omicron? Cases are through the roof. Doesn’t really make sense that its a run-of-the-mill virus simply because of the timing alone. And routine colds usually hit me harder than this has. I live alone, so it’ll be easy to stay isolated, and probably safer for all that I don’t go browsing stores for covid tests. I don’t think any are around anyway. Not going to wait in line for hours right now for a test either. Maybe when I feel better I could? I have no idea.

I have no fever, no body aches, no cough. Really just a mild sore throat, and that feeling that I swallowed the bug. I am vaxxed and boosted. We’ll see how it goes.


Australian here, but I STILL know no one personally (as do virtually everyone I have asked) who has had it and my city (5m people) is up to 153k cases. Meanwhile, virtually all of my Polish relatives have had it and two have died.