COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I think these ā€œless likely to require hospitalizationā€ stories are really doing a disservice to the population in general. Sure, maybe any individual case is only (letā€™s say) 50% as likely to end up requiring a hospital visitā€¦ but if it leads to 4x the number of cases itā€™s going to be a lot worse than Delta, a LOT worse, and THAT part of the message is being lost on the general public who just hear ā€œoh itā€™s mildā€


itā€™s like these people have never had an indian friend who told them the food isnā€™t very spicy


NYC just released some new data for the week ending on December 12

All rates are per 100k population. The hospitalization and death rates are age-adjusted.

Unvaccinated Vaccinated
Case rate 758.5 127.5
Hospitalization rate 39.5 3.8
Death rate 1.7 0.3

Florida on Thursday reported 32,869 additional COVID-19 cases and 83 more deaths to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to Miami Herald calculations of CDC data. This is the largest multi-day increase of newly reported cases since Sept. 6, which saw 46,105. The CDC backlogs cases and deaths for Florida on Mondays and Thursdays, leading to big increases.

In the past seven days, as the omicron version of the virus has circulated, the state has added 22 deaths and 14,554 cases per day on average, according to Herald calculations of CDC data. That rolling seven-day case average is the highest itā€™s been since Sept. 11, when it was at 15,633.

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Itā€™s funny how your minor sniffles feel a little more pronounced and your slightest of headaches seems a little more painful after a colleague you were with earlier in the week says he is headed to urgent care because he doesnā€™t feel well and has chest pains when breathing and coughing.


Todayā€™s Covid numbers reporting looking very very grim. Basically new ATH for almost every state that has reported. How worried are you guys about getting together with vaxed family in small get togethers for the holidays? Iā€™m starting to reconsider my plans which werenā€™t all that extensive in the first place.

My sisters and future brother-in-law are visiting for Christmas Eve and leaving after Christmas morning. Was supposed to be a way bigger gathering but my cousin got COVID which canceled the gathering (heā€™s feeling fine now after a couple of days of mild symptoms). Rest of the family heā€™s with already had COVID and has tested negative so far pre-Christmas. Apparently, a bunch of their friends had it very recently.

Iā€™ll be going with one of my sisters to Philly. Not sure what Iā€™ll do for New Yearā€™s mainly because they arenā€™t sure.

Just like those fake photos right? ā€œI didnā€™t knowā€ says the seller.

So in a population of 10,000,000 that means 30 vaccinated people died? VACCINES DONā€™T EVEN WORK WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO US!!!

Getting boosted tonight after work. Hoping I donā€™t feel like shit for the long weekend, but Iā€™m excited to get max protection


These guys will be eligible for free home tests kits (LFT)

Iā€™m reconsidering my Christmas plans as well. The family is kinda having a small civil war and, frankly Iā€™m not sure what to do about it, so hopefully writing it all out here will help me think it through.

Mom is deceased, Dad remarried a few years back. I get along pretty well with Step Mom and her side of the family but I was an adult and out of the house when she entered the picture, so weā€™re not super close. Dad and Step Mom are vaxxed and boosted, but her daughter, son, and grandkids are not. A few of them have gotten Covid relatively recently, but will be past the quarantine/likely contagious phase by now. They all live very close to my Dad and Stepmom, see them frequently and will probably see them several times this week. Iā€™ve seen Dad, Stepmom and members of her side of the family twice since March 2020.

My brother, his wife and kids are all vaxxed and have been super careful throughout Covid (brother works from home, kids have limited activities outside of school, etc.). I havenā€™t seen any of them in over 2 years and was really looking forward to it. They had planned on driving down from New England, and seeing everyone, but with pretty strict protocols (masks, pre gathering testing, etc) and basically insisting that the unvaxxed not be there when he was.

Brother just informed us all that b/c of the Omicron spike they wonā€™t be coming at all. I can still go if I want, but Iā€™m not too stoked on spending time with the unvaxxed and I have a feeling that without my brother as a countervailing voice, Iā€™m going to get out voted on most of the Covid protocol stuff and will be seen as the turd in the punchbowl who is ruining the holiday fun. Should probably note that if I go 'll be staying with my Dad and wonā€™t have immediate access to a vehicle, so I wonā€™t be able to easily exit the situation if things go sideways.

My brain is saying that I should probably pass, but I just really miss my family, yā€™know?


No change for my vaxxed and boosted gatherings of 5-10.

I wasnā€™t too nervous until one of my wifeā€™s cousinā€™s kids got a close contact notification today. So far sheā€™s tested negative but my father-in-law suggested that even if she turns out to be pozzed ā€œif she wears a mask weā€™ll all be safeā€ which is :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:. So fingers crossed she continues to test negative or her parents are smart enough to ignore that insane suggestion, I guess.

No changes, but no travel/relatively small gathering with most people boosted and only 1 unvaxxed/under 5. Hes still going to school, so Im already resigned to him catching Omicron before being vax eligible anyways. The only travelling party caught COVID already (2x Pfizer, mild symptoms so far) and cancelled.

Will be the only indoor leisure activity over the holiday for me.

I was definitely more likely to go if he went, for a few reasons:

A- Not having seen him, his wife and my nephews in so long they were the ones I was most looking forward to seeing. I like the other members of my family too, but, Iā€™ve seen them all more recently. Also, my brother and I are just a lot closer when it comes to many things, probably because we were the ones who gtfo of the small town we grew up in and moved to big cities.

B) He and his wife were the ones most likely to join with me or at least have my back if the other folks wanted to go to restaurants or hit up the mall or something and I didnā€™t want to.

C) I consider him one of the smartest if not the smartest people I know, so if he thinks itā€™s too risky and the ones who are saying itā€™s fine are the granddaughters who refuse to get vaxxed because they think itā€™ll make them infertile, I kinda feel like I should be following his example, not theirs


I seem to have timed my two travels right before both the summer Delta surge and this Omicron surge. Nothing planned for at least the next few months!


Same. I donā€™t have anything until March (well besides getting together with a handful of family over Christmas). Hopefully this has burned through by then.

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