COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

It’s not out of the realm of possibility, but also far from certain. The studies showing rapid replication in bronchial tissue cultures but not lung tissue cultures, while limited, is evidence against this. They should also have some antibodies and T-cell memory on their side, too.

No kidding! Since I’ve been confined to caring for my wife I’ve had, let’s say a couple more drinks than usual.

If I get pozzed and can’t have a drink then shit’s gonna go off the rails pretty quickly!


Meanwhile in China - 50 cases in a city of 8 million triggers lockdown (assuming I’m reading this right).

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Nonsense, we have to wear a mask from the front door to the table or barstool.


Don’t tell me how to live my life. THIS IS WHY NO ONE TRUSTS EXPERTS!!! I KNOW MY BODY BETTER THAN YOU!!!


addendum: if you get the shakes maybe best keep it steady

Turns out he had food poisoning. We know cause I got it last night about 8 hours after him. Fun!

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Maybe the food caught Omicron.


We are guessing it was lukewarm airport lounge food!

Just had a baby in NYC. Sweating bullets until we can leave the hospital, hopefully tonight.





A little help please…

An anti-vax coworker thinks he just dunked on us/me by pointing out the very low vaccination rate in Africa and how they have much less covid cases and deaths than in the US. So CLEARLY this push to vaccinate everyone is some nefarious plot

Problem is, I don’t know how to look up or analyze the data. I did look up covid cases/deaths in Africa and they do seem to be far less than here. I also read their vaccination rates are far lower. But I know he can’t be right! What can I point to that refutes his claim about Africa not being as bad despite having lower vaccination rates than other countries?

A newer source

In an assessment released on Oct 14, 2021, WHO stated that only one in seven COVID-19 infections in Africa are being detected, highlighting the need to expand testing capabilities. At the time of this assessment, about 4 billion COVID-19 tests have been conducted globally, of which only about 73 million were carried out in Africa—a small fraction of the continent’s 1·3 billion people.

In Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country of 200 million people, only about 3 million tests have been carried out since the beginning of the pandemic. By contrast, the USA, which has about one-third of Africa’s population, has administered more than 550 million tests. The UK, with less than 10% of the population of Africa, has administered over 280 million tests.

tl;dr it’s not a lack of cases, it’s a lack of testing.


Somewhere up thread someone posted data showing the unaccounted death rate in Africa is highly indicative that coivd’s simply not being counted well in many countries.

If there are 400,000 extra deaths but only 50,000 Covid deaths, be suspicious. The norm for the world is known Covid accounting for more than half the death rate above baseline.

I’m on my phone, does anyone have the specifics post/link handy?



As someone on the same side of you on early demasking (or whatever we are calling it) I think you were implementing a little shaming.

It’s a hard row to hoe when you believe something is both important and correct and people are flippantly pushing it aside or even aggressively opposing it.

It’s pretty easy for all humans to get caught in that response field.

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I will dm my address,


In South Africa, one of the highest reporting countries in Africa, excess deaths are ~triple what are being reported as covid deaths, and the timing of those excess deaths is ~perfectly correlated with their covid waves.

Other African countries just don’t have the testing, monitoring, or reporting capabilities of richer countries.

Guessing it was frustration, that was a frustrating time in this thread.


Omicron is a bad arse name for a baby.