COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

What generally happens to violators? Fine? Or worse?

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They get stuffed and mounted.

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uh, go ahead? Idk, it was more of a ā€œillustrate that GA/FL type ā€˜election accessā€™ laws are bullshitā€ and not a serious policy proposal


Just fucking pay everyone $1,000 to get vaccinated. Holy shit the societal costs of people not getting vaccinated are way more than that.


At the height of the pandemic second wave I wore a full p-100 respirator with a surgical mask over the exhale valve (to be courteous to others).

This is mostly because A) they are dumb, B) had their critical thinking skills snatched from them in the womb, C) think logic is a white nerd rapper


actually this is a lot better, except a lot of dipshits will complain about the welfare state or whatever and still refuse. start with this carrot and THEN hit em with the stick next.

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I walk my dog on a lot of different greenway/nature area trails etc and nobody is ever wearing a mask. Very occasionally there is someone who will put one on as we pass but honestly I donā€™t think Iā€™ve even seen that in 6 months.

I live in the country but same here. No one is masked up on recreational trails. And Iā€™m in Ontario where many of us still arenā€™t vaccinated.

Thatā€™s a good idea. Call it a health responsibility dividend. Also the payments should be monthly. Yes, even for billionaires. No means testing.

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BuT how ArE wE gOnNa PaY fOr It?!?!?

Interim findings from first-dose mass COVID-19 vaccination roll-out and COVID-19 hospital admissions in Scotland: a national prospective cohort study

Vaccine effect for reduced COVID-19 hospital admission at 28ā€“34 days post-vaccination:

BioNTech-Pfizer: 91% (95% CI 85ā€“94)

Oxford-AstraZeneca: 88% (95% CI 75ā€“94)


Ok. Where is the T-Test?

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Womp womp

Why is this happening in India but not, say, Sweden where the country eschewed masks and distancing from the outset?

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I suspect population density plays a huge role.

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india went to basically zero measures/compliance and reopened giant social gatherings, right as they got hit by a new variant. itā€™s speculative if their variant is more likely to survive in open air, but it is definitely suspicious.

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Cause Swedes are already insular people who donā€™t like interacting with other human beings.

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